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Shea Chwialkowski

Shea Chwialkowski

Shea Chwialkowski has 15 years of fire service experience and he is the Deputy Chief for the Orono (MN) Fire Department. He is a member of the FSRI Coordinated Fire Attack panel and a graduate of the NFA Managing Officer program. He contributed to several instructor textbooks. He is the lead instructor for the Southwest Metro Recruit Academy.
Shea Chwialkowski

Smart Tech and Fire Instructors

Date & Time

January 29, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST


1 Hour


A certificate of attendance will be offered.

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This webcast reviews creating training content that meets the needs and expectations of modern-day fire and EMS students. The focus is on the resources and tools available to the modern fire service instructor, emphasizing creating an updated, interactive, engaging learning experience for students. It reviews novel ideas and specific examples of how to use and adopt a vast array of technologies into fire training and education, including mobile applications, virtual and augmented reality, simulations, and the like.

Panel of Experts

Shea Chwialkowski

Shea Chwialkowski

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