2010 FDIC Special Events, Day by Day

There are a number of special events taking place at FDIC 2010. Here is a day-by-day schedule of what’s happening and where.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
ISFSI Members Social
The International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) is hosting a social for all ISFSI members and FDIC instructors. Light hors d’oeuvres, beverages, and live entertainment. If you are an ISFSI member or part of the FDIC teaching staff, come by to see your friends! If you are an FDIC instructor or ISFSI member, your name will be on the list! Sponsored by Honeywell.
6:00 pm-8:00 pm, Slippery Noodle, 372 S. Meridian Street

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
NFAAA Annual Meeting
The National Fire Academy Alumni Association* (NFAAA) will hold its annual membership meeting. Come and bring a fellow alumnus! Much relative to the National Fire Academy (NFA) and the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) will be discussed, and the financial secretary’s report and the administrator’s report will be presented. Mingle with the NFAAA’s main sponsors, Pennwell/Fire Engineering and Delmar Publishers. Refreshments will be served.

The NFAAA has 22,000 members and is comprised of fire and emergency services personnel from all over the country and beyond. Its mission is to support the NFA and the USFA in their efforts to protect people from the ravages of fire and other hazards.
7:00 pm, Marriott Hotel, Santa Fe Room

Thursday, April 22, 2010
FOOLS Meeting

The Fraternal Order Of Leatherheads Society (FOOLS) will hold its annual Leadership and Planning meeting. All FOOLS chapter presidents, officers, and members in attendance at FDIC from around the world are encouraged to attend, as are firefighters interested in our organization. President Eric DePoto will discuss proper planning for a chapter for a fiscal year. Internet Trustee Andy “Sippy” Biron will cover how to get your Web page up and running with finances in mind, and Training/Education Trustee Mike Dugan will outline the role of the training officer for the organization as well as the department. Also, be sure to offer your input for the basic agenda for our annual convention in Orlando, Florida, September 22-26, 2010. All members are encouraged to attend. Information is at www.FOOLSInternational.com.
5:30 pm-6:30 pm, Room 101

Third Annual FDIC Courage and Valor Fun Run
Thursday, April 22, 2010, 6:00 pm, White River State Park
The third annual FDIC Courage and Valor Fun Run will take place at the White River State Park, just a short walk from the Indianapolis Convention Center. The scenic, flat, fast course winds around the canal provide runners with an absolutely safe (no traffic crossings) opportunity to enjoy a brisk fun run with their fellow firefighters. Tuxedo Brothers is managing timing and management of the run for the more serious runners. It’s a chance for everyone to get out and show a commitment to good health and well-being. All proceeds will help sponsor the Ray Downey Courage and Valor Medal and Award, presented each year at FDIC. The run will conclude with a short walk over to “Stop, Drop, Rock ‘n’ Roll,” where the awards will be given out. All are welcome to participate. Registration is $20.00.

Stop, Drop, Rock ’n’ Roll
Featured are live country and western entertainment, firefighter pipe and drum bands, along with food, beverages, and a live auction. The event’s proceeds benefit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. There is a $15 donation and a cash bar. It is held in association with Safety Components First Responders 911 Foundation and is sponsored by Scott Health & Safety as the Diamond Sponsor and DuPont, Lion Apparel, PBI Performance Products, FireDex, and Safety Components as Gold Sponsors.
For advanced ticket sales, visit www.StopDropRockNRoll.com <http://www.stopdroprocknroll.com/> .   
7:00 pm-11:00 pm, Indiana Roof Ballroom, 140 West Washington Street

Friday, April 23, 2010
Fire Department Safety Officers Association
Health and Safety Officer Certification Exam
Incident Safety Officer Certification Exam

Preregistration required 30 days in advance. Contact Bob Finley at (618) 344-2595, or e-mail him at programs@fdsoa.org.
12:30 pm, Room 204

AFG Town Hall Meeting
Come join officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program for a “town hall” meeting to learn about the FY2010 Reauthorization and other exciting changes within the program. There will be an open discussion regarding the various funding opportunities within the AFG Program, including Fire Grants, Fire Prevention and Safety Grants (FP&S), and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) and how your community can apply for and benefit from these programs. Discussion will include highlights for the upcoming year, when the application periods will be held, tips for success, Centers of Excellence, and more. This is your opportunity to pose questions directly to the AFG Program Office.
12:30 pm, Room 103-104

NAFTD Meeting
The North American Fire Training Directors (NAFTD), comprised of the 50 states and the Canadian provinces and territorial training directors, will conduct its annual spring meeting. The meeting will be for members only and invited guests. Dr. Denis Onieal, superintendent of the National Fire Academy, will provide an update on the federal fire programs and various committee reports. Typical agenda items include topics pertinent to the management of a state, provincial, or territorial training program.
1:00 pm -5:00 pm, Room 206-207

ISFSI Membership Meeting
THE INSTRUCTORS ARE BACK! The Board and members of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors proudly invite you to attend the 2009 spring membership meeting. Come join the only international membership organization representing the interest of fire service instructors. This meeting is open to all firefighters, instructors, fire officers, and those aspiring to be.
1:00 p.m., Room 202-203

Indianapolis Metropolitan Firefighters’ Open House
Come and renew acquaintances with the Indianapolis firefighters at the Union Hall. Plenty of great food and refreshments will be served. Transportation will be provided to and from the Convention Center beginning at 5:15 pm until 10:00 pm.
Union Hall, 748 Massachusetts Ave.

Pumper Pull Team Challenge
Teams interested in competing, call Local 416 at (317) 262-5161 for more information

Teams of firefighters compete in a test of brawn and teamwork. After the competition, stay for the Union Hall Open House, immediately to follow. To register, go to https://www.signmeup.com/site/reg/register.aspx?fid=P12V2K7. All preregistered participants will receive T-shirts.

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fellowship of Christian Firefighters’ Service

Praise and Worship at 7:30 am. Everyone is invited to attend.
7:00 am-8:00 am, Room 202-203
Masses at St. John’s Church
5:30 pm
Sunday, April 25, 2010, 8:00 am & 11:00 am

National Fire Department Honor Guard Competition
Each year, fire department honor guard teams from across the country compete in a national event that has become a regular part of the Saturday program at FDIC. Teams are judged on neatness, uniformity, cleanliness, and military bearing. Past teams have come from Birmingham, AL; Howard County, MD; Kokomo, IN; Lexington, KY; Columbia, MO; and St. Paul, NM; as well as from Indiana. Why not have your team represented this year? For more information, contact Mary McCormack at (508) 881-3543 or e-mail her at fdsoa@fdsoa.org.
8:00 am, Sagamore Ballroom

Fire Engineering Bookstore: 15% Off
The long-awaited Fire Engineering’s Handbook for Firefighter I and II has arrived! Shop our extensive selection of book and DVD titles, and save 15 percent on all Fire Engineering titles. Meet best-selling authors, including Anthony Avillo, Billy Goldfeder, Rick Lasky, John Norman, and John Salka..

Rick Lasky, John Salka, Curtis Birt, and Scott Thompson

Humpday Hangout: Fire Training Facilities and Props

Hosts Rick Lasky, John Salka, Scott Thompson, and Curtis Birt discuss fire training facilities and training props.

Brooklyn (NY) Three-Alarm Fire Sends Five to Hospital

FDNY firefighters faced brutal weather conditions early Wednesday as they battled a three-alarm fire in the Flatlands section of Brooklyn.