The staff of Fire Engineering and FDIC International mourns the passing of Donald R. Dymes, a longtime member of the fire service and the AV crew at FDIC.
Dymes, a member of the Munnsville (NY) Volunteer Fire Department and multiple state and national fire service organizations, was a veteran of the United States Army, serving during the Korean War. His obituary notes that, prior to his retirement in 1988, he was employed with the New York State Fire Service Academy as a supervisor with 15 years of service. He was also an active member of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI).
“FDIC will always be indebted to Chief Donnie Dymes,” said Bobby Halton, FDIC Education Director. The FDIC Distinguished Service award was presented to Dymes for his exceptionally meritorious service to the fire service via his participation in FDIC. He began attending FDIC in 1969 and has attended annually since 1976. In 1989, he assumed command of the AV support and control team.
“All firefighters serving today are the beneficiaries of the unequaled devotion and contributions of Chief Dymes and his participation in FDIC,” Halton continued. “His contributions resonate in every aspect of our modern service delivery. He impacted each and every one of us. We hope to always honor his mantra: ‘Everything is for the student.'”
Dymes passed away on November 27, 2021, at the age of 91 years of age. FDIC and all of our instructors and friends mourn the loss of the man known to the AV crew as “The Master Sargent,” the very first recipient of the FDIC Distinguished Service award, Chief Donnie Dymes.