Mark C. Emery, fire commissioner, Woodinville (WA) Fire & Rescue, has been named the recipient of the 2013 Fire Engineering/International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award. The presentation was made at this morning’s General Session in Sagamore Ballroom.
Emery was cited for his comprehensive, consistent, and innovative contributions to emergency service training, which transcend traditional rank structures in the fire service–for example, comprehensive driver operator training programs are juxtaposed with far-reaching interdisciplinary emergency management training.
In support of firefighter safety and survival, the objectives of his efforts, Emery developed a program that builds on National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health line-of-duty death case studies. The training packages are accompanied by visuals, discussion guides, and learning objectives.
Emery developed the popular Command Competency Clinic and co-developed the Integrated Tactical Accountability System (ITAC). He is a regular presenter at fire and life safety conferences throughout North and South America. He also designs ITAC incident management status boards for IMS Alliance and is the featured instructor in the Passport Accountability System HD-DVD training package. After a 30-year career, he retired in 2010 as an operations battalion chief.
The award, which incorporates the Training Achievement Award previously given by Fire Engineering at the FDIC, is named for George D. Post, who was a long-time member of the ISFSI. Post was a member of the Fire Department of New York, an illustrator of fire service publications, and a developer of instructional materials. Many consider him to be the father of visual training materials for fire service personnel around the world.