BENJAMIN WALKER, now based in North America, has been a tactical leader within the United Kingdom (UK) Fire Rescue Service, specializing in first response emergency incident management. He has worked with some of Europe’s busiest fire stations in Newcastle and Gateshead over the past decade. He is a graduate of the IFE and the recipient of the Godiva Award 2014 for achieving the highest exam grades in the UK. His areas of expertise include leadership, training, and development. He is also a strength and conditioning specialist. He competes in “Toughest Firefighter Alive” and “Firefighter Combat Challenges” and has been Britain’s top representative. He has represented the UK Fire Service at Rugby Union & Judo and holds three world records in International All-Round Weightlifting.
Walker presented “Positive-Pressure Ventilation in Domestic Fires: UK 20-Year Report” on Friday, April 24, at FDIC International 2015
“I started my career in a Metropolitan Fire Department in the North of England (Tyne & Wear), where is served as firefighter, crew & watch commander (firefighter/lieutenant/captain) at some of Europe’s busiest firehouses, also qualifying and working as an instructor during this time. I also took some time out to study fire service operations in the U.S. and Canada, going through the reciprocity system to cross map my qualifications to National Fire Protection Association standards. I also perform ongoing charity works for International Fire Rescue Association (IFRA), training less fortunate fire departments and personnel in second- and third-world countries.
“Following much personal strife (divorce, loss of finances, being homeless, being forced to use food banks, and other such misfortunes), I spent my welfare cheque on undertaking the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) examinations. I didn’t have access to any research materials; just my professional experience and some kind firefighters in Staffordshire, England, gave me some obsolete training manuals while I used the Internet at the local library.”
“Fortunately, I achieved the world’s highest grades, and was subsequently invited to receive the Godiva Award at the IFE’s AGM and International Assembly.”
“Following an emotional acceptance speech, a number of attending chiefs and senior officers became aware of my “fate” and how easy it can be with a little bad luck and some clouded judgement to “fall through the cracks” in life, and my job applications got taken more seriously.”
“I was offered my current position, leading Compartment Fire Behaviour Training and Tactical Firefighting at the London Fire Brigade Training School (Academy). I have also been co-opted onto the branch board of the IFE, working under the eminent Bill Gough, running a young professionals network, and attempting to establish an International Placement Program to further Fire service understanding and relationships globally.”
“It is my first time at FDIC, and it is a privilege to be surrounded by so many quality Instructors and wonderful people who we can learn so much from.”
“I became involved in positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) as my original fire department pioneered its use in the UK. The London Fire Brigade has not yet used it, so I am hoping to introduce it there. Being the world’s third-largest metropolitan fire department, it is a difficult and challenging process to train 5,000+ firefighters on combining PPV tactics with compartment fire behavior training. I was inspired to present this subject at FDIC, as we have used PPV in the UK (bar London) for 20 years and we have made mistakes, learrned, and developed, so there is the opportunity for our global fraternity to ‘pick up the ball running,’ avoid costly repetition of work already completed, and work toward using this as it may reduce LODDs.”
“This topic really is another tool in our toolbox. It has to be combined with clear, focussed leadership; proficient firemanship; and excellent training and preparation. Used correctly, it can be exceptionally effective in achieving our goals.”
“One aspect that I would say to students is that firefighting is a science. As much as I love passion and emotion, we make an intervention to disrupt and alter a chemical reaction, and we have to look at things clinically and maintain situational awareness. Being a tea-drinking Limey, I say T-CUP–‘Think Correctly Under Pressure.”‘
“Outside the classroom, I am looking forward to meeting and thanking people who I have corresponded with in the past who have encouraged, supported and advised me through tough times and my “comeback”. I would like to shake your hand.
“For anyone unable to attend, please feel free to contact me through my Web site or twitter @firefighterbw. What I will say is that I will do my very best to help you if you are in a rough situation as I was, just don’t give in, keep working and studying, and we will give you that hand up.”