FDIC International 2023: Servant Leadership

At FDIC International 2023’s Opening Ceremony Day 2, Education Director Chief David Rhodes spoke about “Servant Leadership”:

“It is only appropriate that we recognized Clayton Thomas, who represented the term ‘Servant Leader’ about as well as anyone could. Clayton was always eager to help in any situation and, as we discussed yesterday, that sometimes came at great sacrifice. Time is one of those things that is free but you can’t get back. How we choose to spend our time says a lot about who we are. Spending your time in service to others is the key component to Servant Leadership.

We hear the term Servant Leadership thrown around so much it has become somewhat of a buzzword in today’s management circle. Unfortunately, there are more leaders who are self-proclaimed servant leaders than there are actual servant leaders. One simple test I always love to administer to fire chiefs is the parking test. Almost all fire chiefs’ jobs come with the premier parking spot right up front, closest to the door. You know the one right there at the door marked “Reserved for Fire Chief” or maybe you have the sign with your name on it. If you are actually parking in that space, then you might re-evaluate your self-proclaimed servant leadership status.

Just two days after Bobby passed away, I traveled here to Indianapolis to attend the ribbon-cutting on the new Indianapolis Fire Department Training Center. I was supposed to attend this with Bobby. The mayor spoke, Chief Malone spoke, and one of the retired training chiefs spoke. Bobby’s seat by me was left empty and a Christmas Poinsettia was placed on the table in front of his chair. The ribbon-cutting was a grand event and very worthy of celebrating, as Indy Fire had not had their own training center in 40 years.

“The new training chief, Chief Kraeszig, gave me a tour of the new place, and then it was time to head back to the airport. I went looking for Chief Malone to tell him goodbye and thank him for inviting me. I looked in all the crowds, in all the open rooms, and couldn’t find him. I even went to the cafeteria where the refreshments were. Still no Chief. As I was about to throw in the towel and just give him a call, I heard something from the kitchen. I walked in, and there was Chief Malone with his Class A jacket off and his sleeves rolled up with a couple recruits restocking the refrigerators with the drinks that were left over from the reception. …Servant leadership.

Most people probably have no clue who coined the term “Servant Leadership.” It was Robert K. Greenleaf, who was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, just 75 miles from here. The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership was right here in Indianapolis for years before it recently moved to New Jersey. Greenleaf was a scholar and philosopher and through his teachings and writing explained what it meant to serve as individuals and as corporations: The purpose should always be to serve.

“There have been so many servant leaders in the FDIC family who gave us everything they had before they passed away and left us to carry on the work. They inspired us, motivated us, and let us know that we weren’t alone in our fight to make things better. Today, we honor some of the many servant leaders of FDIC: Bobby Halton, Tom Brennan, Andy Fredericks, Ray Downey, Joey DiBernardo, Alan Brunacini, Don Abbott, Frank Brannigan, and Mark Rapp Sr.

“Each of these individuals served with great honor. They shared knowledge and were not afraid to stand out and stand up for us. Although they are no longer with us, they still inspire us. We have much of their work that we can still hold and read or watch. The people they influenced are now influencing us.

Today the exhibit halls open, and we have something totally different. Lucas Oil Stadium has been transformed into a city scape, complete with a full-size fire station. The fire station of the future! Complete with a city park and city streets. Those streets are named in honor of the servant leaders that I mentioned, because they had a significant impact on this conference, our profession, and our lives. All of them gone, but not forgotten, and some who paid the ultimate price for carrying out their duties as firefighters.

“Let’s all adopt a little more of the ways of our servant leaders and let’s make them proud!”

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.