FDIC Plans 22 Afternoon Workshops
As the Fire Department Instructors Conference marks its 50th year March 21-24 in Memphis, the afternoon workshop program will establish a record with 22 workshops. Subjects will range from fire fighting and fire investigation to fire instructor tips and physical fitness.
The workshops will be presented on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, March 21-23. To make it possible to attend at least two—and possibly three—of your top priority choices, 11 workshops will present their programs on two afternoons. Four workshops will present different programs on two or three afternoons, and seven others plan single sessions.
The workshops that will repeat their programs and their chairmen are:
Hazardous materials, Chief Warren Isman, director of the Montgomery County, Md., Department of Fire and Rescue Services; small fire departments, Director Max Thomas, Kansas Fire Service Training; rural fire departments, Director Max Thomas, Kansas Fire Service Training; automatic systems, Kenneth Stanton, National Automatic Sprinkler, Indianapolis; fire department management training, Assistant Director Robert Schultz, Firemen Training. U. of Michigan; breathing apparatus maintenance training, Assistant Chief James Simmons, Marshalltown, Iowa, Fire Department; fire instructor tips 1, Chief Ron Coleman, San Clemente, Calif., Fire Department; emergency care and paramedic training, EMS Coordinator Joseph E. Rood, Jr., Deaconess Hospital, Evansville, Ind.; fire prevention, Captain Charles Roessler, Denver Fire Department; promotion-hiring tests, Bob Mowles, training officer, Oklahoma City Fire Department.
The crash rescue workshop chaired by Public Safety Captain Tom Walsh, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, has scheduled the same program for all three afternoons.
The public fire education workshop, Instructor Kathy Lohr, Guilford County, N. C., Fire Marshal’s Office, will have a different program each afternoon.
Three other workshops will have different programs on two afternoons. They are educational methodology, Jesse Jackson, coordinator of special training division, Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute; government, George Morgan, director of fire protection, Tyndal Air Force Base, Florida; and fire instructor tips 2, David White, assistant training specialist, Fire Protection Training Division, Texas A&M University.
Workshops that will be presented once are as follows:
Physical fitness, Deputy Chief Paul Anderson, instructor, Massachusetts Firefighting Academy; fire investigation. Supervisor Robert Carter, Virginia Fire Service Training; fire training program for elevators, Instructor Lewis Baker, Tennessee State Fire Training Center; protective devices for fire fighters, Battalion Captain Robert McCleod, Sarasota, Fla., Fire Department; water supplies—hose/tanker, Fire Marshal William Ennis, Peters Township, McMurray, Pa.; driver training, John Maley, training officer, Pine Castle Fire Cont rol District, Orlando, Fla.; and data training program, Chuck Aughenbaugh, adjunct professor, Passaic County, N. J., Community College.
The FDIC is sponsored by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and the Insurance Services Office.