By the latter part of the 20th century, the importance of the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) was well established in the fire service industry. Fire Engineering magazine profiled the events and innovations from the annual conference, where the concerns of firefighters were frequently a reflection of the times.
Besides the introduction of the squirt, the Fire Engineering May 1968 wrap-up of the show (CLICK HERE to download as a PDF) noted the concern over dealing with riots, a key issue for firefighters in that turbulent decade. Along with numerous other presentations, there was also one that dealt with using dynamite to breach masonry walls.
As reported in some of our 1971 issues (CLICK HERE to download as a PDF), the FDIC that year had presentations on relations between the International Association of Fire Fighters and the International Association of Fire Chiefs, staffing issues, and the use of self-contained breathing apparatus.