Don’t miss your chance to pick up the exclusive Honor Guard Coin at FDIC 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Can’t attend? Don’t worry, they are available online for shipping. Visit to order.
Also, don’t miss the National Honor Guard Competition at FDIC 2014 on Friday, April 11th at 8:30 a.m. in the 500 Ballroom of the Indiana Convention Center. Teams from around the country will put their very best efforts against other fire department and EMS teams in a variety of honor guard functions. Again this year, the event will be coordinated by the MABAS Division 20 Honor Guard and judged by the instructors of the National Honor Guard Academy.
For more information, go to
- FDIC 2007: Honor Guard competition
- Honor Guards Compete at FDIC 2012
- What to See at FDIC 2013: National Fire Department Honor Guard Competition