On April 26 at the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC), HYGENALL CORPORATION, announced the launch of 3 new Full-Spectrum™ cleaning and decontamination products aimed at helping to reduce hazards associated with modern firefighting chemical exposure. Modern fires can expose firefighters to dangerous cancer-causing chemicals that may contribute to statistically higher than average cancer rates and other ailments over the rest of the workforce.
In 2010, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) published a limited study on particulates found in smoke, which highlighted chemicals such as plastics, and metals including lead and mercury. Heavy metal oxides, such has Hexavalent Chromium (CrVI), which comes from heating stainless steel, chrome, and some anti-corrosion coatings, combined with incorrect hygiene practices may be powerful contributing factors to statistically increased cancer rates amongst firefighters and other first responder professionals.
“And cancer may not be the only problem firefighters face after exposure to toxic smoke and soot,” said Michael McKinnon, Firefighter Safety Product Manager at Hygenall Corporation. “For example, lead released from burning carpets and many household and industrial products can cause irreversible cognitive problems for adult firefighters, and through a process characterized as “Toxic Hand-Off”, their children and families may be at risk at home as well.”
Hygenall adds 3 new products to the more than 30 Hygenall firefighter cleaning and decontamination products that are designed to address the entire lifecycle of a firefighter’s day. “From the moment a firefighter walks into the front door of the station, until he or she leaves to go home, we have them covered with products that have been shown to be more effective than common anionic surfactant based soaps or baby-wipe type products alone,” McKinnon added.
Hygenall FieldWipes™, P/N FW902AFF, is a non-alcohol extra-large 8” x 12” disposable wipe meant for full-body cleaning and decontamination from Full-Spectrum™ exposure such as: plastics, drug residue, cationic chemicals, germs, and metals, including radioactive substances.
Hygenall ToxOff™, P/N HT50121Q, is an improved version of an existing ToxOff brand of surface cleaning and decon of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), and is compliant with NFPA 1851 standards.
Hygenall HandScrub™, P/N HHSP64, an FDA registered scrub soap, decontaminates the dirtiest of hands, used by mechanics and maintenance technicians.
According to Hygenall Corporation, hydrocarbons and other non-ionic chemicals, which regular baby wipe type products work well at cleaning off, are not very effective at cleaning off everything that is dangerous to firefighters. Chemicals and metals that stick to skin and surfaces through strong electrostatic bonds will not clean off very well with common soaps and wipes, no matter how hard you scrub. Firefighters can subsequently carry toxins home, exposing family members every day.
Hygenall FieldWipes™, FieldScrub™, FieldWash™ HandScrub™, and ToxOff™, are called Full-Spectrum cleaners, because they do more than clean off hydrocarbon laden soot, grime and germs. Hygenall’s firefighting products are designed to displace and clean off chemicals such as carcinogens, plastic residue, germs, toxic metal oxides, including radioactive material, drug residues such as opioids, and others.
All Hygenall products are manufactured in the United States by Hygenall Corporation and are made from natural “green” ingredients. Hygenall Full-Spectrum™ firefighting soaps and cleaners can be purchased on GSAADVANTAGE.Gov, or from local firefighter equipment distributors.
For more information, visit www.Hygenall.com/firefighters.