Command Show Logo

Live from FDIC: Command Show

Anthony Kastros, Adam Mitchell, Joseph Fiorica, Robby Bergerson, Patrick Veselka, and Eric Riser talk incident command and other topics at FDIC International 2022.

Audio only:


Live from FDIC: Strategic Fire Training

Live from FDIC: Fireground Strategies

Live from FDIC: Fire Service Court

Live from FDIC: First-Due Battalion Chief

Dave Polikoff, RJ, and Rob Zajac

Talkin’ Tactics: Cold-Weather Firefighting Tips and Tricks

Hosts David Polikoff and Robert "RJ" James welcome guest Rob Zajac as they dive into the challenges and strategies of cold-weather firefighting.
Jim Silvernail, Jason Hoevelmann, and Jim Edelstein

Tactical Impact: Chimney Fire Tactics with Jim Edelstein

Hosts Jim Silvernail and Jason Hoevelmann explore the unique challenges of chimney fires with Jim Edelstein.
Eric Dreiman

Hooks & Hoses: Strengthening the Fire Service

Host Eric Dreiman reflects on fostering a supportive fire service culture and adaptability in firefighting.