PennWell Corporation announced today a strategic partnership with Urban Firefighter Magazine at the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) being held April 19-24, 2010 at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN.
Urban Firefighter Magazine, an industry pioneer in providing information to the fire service via current media platforms, focuses exclusively on training, tactics and issues affecting urban firefighters. Reaching more than 40,000 end users and receiving more than 800,000 page views, Urban Firefighter Magazine has quickly emerged as a leader in providing real-time, user-friendly information.
“Urban Firefighter Magazine provides grassroots training by firefighters for firefighters. The content that they provide resonates well with the Fire Engineering and FDIC audiences, allowing us to expand our reach to the industry, specifically the urban sector. Urban Firefighter Magazine understands how people get their information today and is doing what no one has done before in the utilization of social and online media. As Fire Engineering continues to innovate the way we reach the fire service, the partnership with Urban Firefighter Magazine is a natural fit,” said Mr. Eric Schlett, Vice President and Executive Director of PennWell’s Fire Group.
Integrating Urban Firefighter Magazine’s reach with Fire Engineering’s circulation of more than 57,000 subscribers and FDIC’s attendance of nearly 30,000, the partnership will result in a collective reach of 127,000 firefighters.
“Our partnership with Fire Engineering combines quintessential firefighter content with quintessential fire training. Our readers become part of our content via the social media platforms we utilize and can uniquely engage and interact with the information providers and each other in a way that has never been done before. We look forward to working with Fire Engineering and FDIC to further expand on our base mission of informing the fire service,” said Capt. Erich Roden and Lt. Ray McCormick, Publishers and Editors of Urban Firefighter Magazine.
Bobby Halton, retired Fire Chief, Editor in Chief of Fire Engineering and Education Director of FDIC, enthusiastically announced the partnership at FDIC today by saying “Urban Firefighter Magazine saw what the future looked like, recognized the need, and launched this publication with unprecedented passion and creativity. Fire Engineering and FDIC welcome them to our family and look forward to an exciting future side-by-side.”
About PennWell
PennWell Corporation is a diversified business-to-business media and information company that provides quality content and integrated marketing solutions for the following industries: Oil and gas, electric power, water, electronics, semiconductor, contamination control, optoelectronics, fiberoptics, enterprise storage, fire, emergency services and dental. Founded in 1910, PennWell publishes 75 print and online magazines and newsletters, conducts 60 conferences and exhibitions on six continents, and has an extensive offering of books, maps, web sites, research and database services. In addition to PennWell’s headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma the company has major offices in Nashua, New Hampshire; Houston, Texas; London, England; Campbell, California; Fairlawn, New Jersey; Moscow, Russia; and Hong Kong, China.