These two units, built by 3-D MANUFACTURING for the Petoskey (MI) Fire Division, were designed for ease of operation and maneuverability in winter driving conditions on hilly terrain, explains Firefighter Dan Smith. Unit 1, a squad/pumper (left), is used primarily as a squad. Unit 2, a hose-reel truck, is not a primary response vehicle; it was purchased primarily to facilitate operations involving the light industries, which are “great distances” from reliable water sources, adds Smith.
Photo by Dan Smith
Unit I, squad (primary use) /pumper (secondary use):
- INTERNATIONAL 4800 chassis;
- four-wheel drive;
- 10 compartments, one housing a pump panel;
- HALE 1.000-gpm, single-stage pump with five-inch discharge on both sides; and
- 500-gallon booster tank.
Unit 2. hose-reel truck:
- INTERNATIONAL 4800 chassis;
- hydraulically driven reel holds 1.200 feet of five-inch hose;
- front-bumper PTO control; and
- cascade system for tilling SCBAs or operating air-driven rescue tools.
Petoskey. located in the lower peninsula, has a population of 7,000 and is comprised of residential, commercial, and light industrial sections.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Cord
These rapid-response fire/rescue vehicles, built for the Coos Bay (OR) Fire Department by die THE MALLORY COMPANY, will be first responders on fire and rescue calls, according to Chief Cliff Vaniman.
Features/Equipment of each:
- FORD F Model chassis;
- four-wheel drive;
- fiberglass bodies with aluminum subframes and deck-construction;.
- 250-gallon fiberglass water tank;
- DARLEY Model 2BE 18BS auxiliary engine-driven pump
that allows for pump-and-roll capability during wildfires and delivers 130 gpm at 100 psi or 300 gpm at 45 psi;
- rear-control panel that accepts controls for a foam-proportioning device (added after delivery);
- booster reel with one-inch hose augmented with two I ‘/-inch vertical-mount preconnects, advanced from the rear, and a third lK-inch discharge; and
- six-ton WARN winch, mounted in the extended front bumper. Coos Bay, nestled in a sprawling wildland interface area, has a seaport and primarily timber-related industries. Large piles of wood chips for the paper industry line the waterfront and are loaded and unloaded from barges. The community’s inner core of older struc tures is surrounded by light industry.
Circle No. 2 on decider Service Cord
This LT1 quint provides the City of Bedford (OH) Fire Department with adequate fire Bow and elevated stream capability to protect Bedford and Walton Hills, suburbs of Cleveland, notes Fire Chief Jeffrey L. Duber.
- DUPLEX Signature chassis;
- enclosed tilt cab with seating for four and seat-mounted SCBAs:
- 75-foot aerial;
- remote, adjustable 1,000-gpm AKRON Gemini nozzle:
- 500-watt quartz floodlight (on top of aerial’s fly section);
- 1,500-gpm, single-stage HALE pump;
- 100-gallon booster tank;
- HALE Foam Pro 2000 compressed-air foam system; and
- large, full-height compartments with adjustable shelving and mounted equipment boards.
The Bedford-Walton Hills jurisdiction consists primarily of residential properties with some commercial and industrial areas, including four chemical facilities and a major automobile stamping plant. Bedford is 5.2 square miles and has a population of 14,800; Walton Hills is seven square miles and has a population of 2.500.
Circle No. 3 on Render Service Card
This pumper, built by KME, was purchased to meet the additional responsibilities placed on the Pittston Township (PA) Volunteer Fire Department by the area’s growth over the past 10 years. The pumper is the latest addition to the department’s fleet of two engines and a medium rescue unit.
- INTERNATIONAL 4900 chassis;
- driver air-ride seat;
- compartments under the rear air-pack seat;
- center and officer’s console;
- lower rear-axle gear ratio (for improved grade ability during frequent climbs of the area’s steep hills);
- ON-SPOT tire chains;
- 500-gallon booster tank;
- 1,250-gpm, single-stage HALE QSG pump;
- 95-gpm AKRON eductor;
- LX-inch erosslay;
- 200 feet of hose; and
- 30-gallon tank of AFFF.
Pittston is located midway between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. The department protects 16 square miles ;uul a population of 4,500. which increases to 12,(XX) on weekdays. The area includes industrial parks, bulk oil-storage terminals, strip malls, hotels/motels, housing developments, and multilane highways. The department also provides support to the crash units at the W i 1 kes – B arre/Scran ton International Airport, explains Second Assistant Chief Tony Angelella, Jr.
Ckde No. 4 on Redder Service Cord
The Bohemia Fire District in Suffolk County (Long Island), New York, acquired this BRONTO Skylit) elevating platform capable of articulating, telescoping, and rotating the bucket to meet the needs created by the many types of building construction within the district, explains Commissioner Dick Stockinger.
Featur esTqu i p men t:
- PIERCE Lance chassis,
- cab with seating for six,
- 241-inch wheelbase.
- DETROIT Model SV92TA diesel engine.
- ALLISON HT-740 automatic transmission,
- platform with a 111-foot reach and a +/-45-degree rotation relative to the centerline of the boom,
- 1,000-pound payload capacity and a 400-pound capacity when the swing-down arm is used for roof access or rescue, and
- 1,000-gpm nozzle (in the bucket). About 50 miles east of Manhattan, Bohemia encompasses approximately 12 square miles and has a residential population of 13,000. Its large industrial/commercial area, which includes a major municipal airport. boosts the population to about 30,000 during the day.
Cirde No. S on Reader Service Card
This tankerpumper. built by 4-GUYS, for the Crown Point (NY) Fire Department, was purchased to replace a failing tanker and pumper and serves as the department’s main attack unit, explains Captain Thomas Hudon. It also provides mutual aid to neighboring communities.
CUMMINS 350-hp engine;
- PEMFAB chassis;
- IMPERIAL tilt cab with seating for six and SCBAs;
- 1,250-gallon booster tank;
- 1,600-gallon portable folding tank (set up alongside the apparatus for first-arriving tankers);
- 10-inch NEWTON quick-dump valve;
- chute;
- single-stage, 1,250-gpm HALE pump with two three-inch independent tank fills;
- three 1 ¾-inch attack lines in crosslays; and
- two 2!4-inch preconnects in the rear.
Crow n Point is primarily a rural area with a population of 2,500.
Ckde No. 6 on Reader Service Card