In Idaho, the Sun Valley and Ketchum Fire Departments share this Sutphen 100′ aerial platform. The departments, only about one mile apart, had similar needs for an aerial platform, and decided to share the purchase and maintenance costs of this unit, says Sun Valley Chief Jeff Carnes. The aerial platform is stationed at each department for three months at a time.
The unit features a 1,500 gpm Hale pump and has a 300 gallon fiberglass booster tank; it’s powered by an 8V92TA Detroit Diesel engine with an Allison automatic HT740 transmission. The platform provides carrier for 100 feet of 1 ¾’ hose, and the boom features an enclosed waterway; there’s mask and hose for breathing air in the basket.
Sun Valley, a resort community, has several four-story hotels, and there are large single-family homes in both communities, says Chief Carnes.
Circle No. 90 on Reader Service Card
The West Whiteland (PA) Fire Company’s new heavy rescue truck from Marion Rescue Body can be used as an incident command center.
The cab is equipped with maps, charts, preplans, and haz mat reference materials; the unit is also equipped with low band fire radios, one high-band radio for police, one multi-band scanner, and a cellular phone.
The truck, an 18-foot walk-in model, carries rescue and first aid equipment; its air system includes an air unit cascade to refill bottles and power rescue tools. Its emergency lighting capabilities include four flashers to the front and rear of the rescue body and a strobe light for controlling intersection traffic while the unit is responding to alarms.
Circle No. 91 on Reader Service Card