Photo by Tom Shand

The Phoenix (Ariz.) Fire Department has received four of the 23 Emergency-One Hush pumpers it will add to its fleet, all with a rearmounted engine.

“We like the advantages of a rear engine design.” says J. Gordon Routley, assistant to the department’s chief. “It takes the noise and heat of the engine away from the cab and puts it in the truck.”

Each pumper has a Hale two-stage, 1,500-gpm pump and an auxiliary pump. The units carry 500 gallons of water and 50 gallons of AFFF/ATC foam with an eductor system. An Akron remote-control, 1,000-gpm nozzle has 3-inch piping directly to the pump. The airconditioned cab seats six. The pumper shown is a paramedic engine that also answers medical calls.

Three of the pumpers are additional units to the department; the other 20 are part of the department’s apparatus replacement program.

Circle No. 90 on Reader Service Cord

The Palm Beach (Fla.) County’s new special operations vehicle serves many functions, including haz-mat unit, backup air truck, and command post.

The Saulsbury truck, which seats nine, is built on a Ford C 8000 chassis; it’s equipped with a Caterpillar 3208T diesel engine and an Allison MT-6-447 automatic transmission. The vehicle, with 10 exterior and 3 interior compartments, was built with additional space but without an increase in overall body size. It carries a two-bottle, 5.000-psi cascade system, heavy rescue equipment, and -iOO feet of air reel for umbilical air for suits and air tools.

“It’s completely self-contained, which is important when we re at haz-mat incidents for long periods of time,” says Division Chief W. J. Fredrickson.

Grde No. 89 on Reader Service Cord

Photo by John M. Moietky

The Palisades Park (N.J.) Volunteer Fire Department needed a unit that could access rough terrain leading into a large swamp area in its community; this four-wheel-drive light squad truck from P&L Custom Body fits the bill.

“There aren’t any real roads leading into the swamp area,” says Deputy Chief Charles Martoe. “This apparatus can get into places some of our other units can’t.”

The truck is built on a CMC Scottsdale chassis with four-door cab and seating for six. It’s equipped with a John Bean Model 202 highpressure fog pump and carries 200 gallons of water. It has pump-androll capability and two booster reels, each 150 feet. T he rescue body has seven compartments; it carries a 7500-watt Winco generator with two 500-watt telelites and four 500-watt Circle D floodlights.

The vehicle will be used to combat brush fires, carry personnel and additional equipment, augment an engine company on highway fires and emergencies, and provide quick response in bad weather.

Circle No. 91 on Reader Service Card

The Chattanooga (Tenn. ) Fire Department has increased its heavy stream maneuverability with the addition of three new’ pumpers with 50-foot Telesqurts.

The pumpers are built by Ward 79 Limited on a Mack MC chassis. Each has a Hale 1.500-gpm pump, carries 350 gallons of water. and is equipped with a preconnected front intake. Each unit also has dual 2 1/2-inch inlet/outlets at the rear that can be used in conjunction with the boom or as additional discharges.

Maintenance Chief Carl Levi says the pumpers were placed in areas of the city where the buildings are not as tall as in other parts to eliminate sending out a ladder truck.

Grtle No. 92 on Reader Service Card

Two Firefighters Injured in Flint Township (MI) Commercial Building Fire

Two firefighters were injured while responding to a fire Sunday night, Feb. 9, in the 3000 block of Flushing Road.

NJ Apartment Building Fire Displaces 41, Sends One to Hospital

A fire tore through the top floor of an apartment building on Palisade Avenue in Bogota on Sunday.