The Weaverville, North Carolina Fire Department purchased its Boardman tower-pumper primarily for four applications: ventilation, easy access to roofs, blitz-attack firefighting, and defensive firefighting (protecting exposures), according to chief John V. Penley.
Weaverville (pop. 2,500) also provides fire protection to a rural district (pop. 7,500) and responds to mutual aid calls for structure fires in other surrounding districts. Within its protection district are 184 businesses plus several shopping centers, apartment complexes, townhouses, churches, and 11 major industries.
The apparatus, built on a Mack Model MC chassis, has a 150-inch wheelbase and is powered by a Mack E6, 250 hp diesel engine with an Allison MT-647 automatic transmission.
The aerial device is a 55-foot Reading Apache Tower equipped with a 1,000-gpm, RPN 360-degree nozzle. The tower has an access ladder with 12-inch railings and a horizontal reach of 47 feet.
Features include a five-firefighter tilt cab, a Waterous 1,250-gpm two-stage pump, stainless-steel pump panel, four-inch feed line from the pump to the tower, plus three 2 1/2-inch inlet/outlet valves at the rear and two recessed crosslays for 1 3/4-inch hose with 2-inch piping.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania has no aerial ladder truck, but its new pumper from Quality Manufacturing takes up much of the slack by carrying an additional 95 feet of ground ladders to the scene.
The pumper is built on a Duplex Vanguard tilt cab chassis and has seating for 10 personnel. It is powered by a Detroit 6V-92 TA diesel engine with an Allison HT 740 automatic transmission and has a 184inch wheelbase.
The pump is a 1,500-gpm two-stage Waterous with four 3-inch discharges and a 5-inch discharge with two 3 1/2-inch valves on the right side. It has fou r crosslaid attack lines and a master stream discharge. The water tank holds 500 gallons. There are five tool compartments, and the rear one runs the width of the pumper.
The department’s first consideration was safety; thus the large capacity cab. It also selected lowand no-maintenance components to lower upkeep cost s, according to captain Samuel V. Yardumian.
Bryn Athyn is a firs t-due engine and ladder company. It serves a primarily residential area containing a business park with ample hydrant water and an additional area requiring long lays of largediameter hose. The new pumper carries 1,500 feet of 5-inch hose.
Cirle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
The Leonia, New Jersey Fire Department covers an area of approximately one-an d-a-half square miles. The residential community of 9,000 consists mostly of single-family homes with a commercial area that includes light industry. Leonia also covers a stretch of I95.
The responses to I-95 for fires and emergencies are partly why the department’s new Ward 79 Limited pumper has a top-mounted pump panel. This feature removes the pump operator from hazardous traffic conditions, according to Kevin Karros, quality control for the department.
The pumper is built on a Duplex D-350 chassis, has a 190-inch wheelbase, and is powered by a Detroit 8V-92TA diesel engine with Allison HT-740 automatic transmission. It has a Hale QFHD, 1,500gpm two-stage pump and a 750-gallon fiberglass water tank.
The pumper has a full stainless-steel cab and body. The rescuestyle body has nine tool compartments with natural stainless-steel finish for easy maintenance. These compartments carrysome rescue tools along with SCBA, hose fittings, and appliances. An Elkhart Stinger with 1,250-gpm nozzle is prepiped to the pump.
To provide better lighting at the scene, two Kwik-Raze model 200, 500-watt telescoping floodlights are located midship, powered by a Leece-Neville transformer. The pumper carries 1,000 feet each of 5inch and 3-inch hose.
Cicle No. 3 on Reader Service Card