apparatus deliveries ❘ by john M. malecky
The Marion Township Fire Department, Greensburg, Indiana, protects a rural, nonhydranted area. Firefighter/Paramedic Matt Stone says that shuttles are a top priority at working fires. The department’s MIDWEST pumper/tanker serves as a tanker, engine, and refill unit as well as a blocking apparatus for motor vehicle accidents. It is also their primary mutual-aid vehicle.
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The Nashville (TN) Fire Department uses this MARION BODY WORKS air unit to provide support services at fires and other emergency incidents, according to Public Information Officer Joseph Pleasant. The extended cab allows for additional storage.
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The Coplay (PA) Fire Department uses this KME rescue pumper for general firefighting and is the department’s primary truck for response to motor vehicle accidents, says Chief Matt Buskaritz. The unit carries a wide variety of specialized equipment to perform a multitude of rescues on land and water.
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