The Montgomery (AL) Fire Department operates this pumper built by E-ONE FIRE APPARATUS.
- Quest MFD chassis with 58-inch cab-to-axle measurement;
- 12-inch raised-roof cab with six seats;
- CUMMINS ISX 12 455-hp diesel engine;
- HALE Qmax single-stage, 2,000-gpm pump;
- AKRON 95-gpm foam eductor;
- UPF 880-gallon water and 30-gallon foam tanks;
- aluminum body; and
- lighting with GOLIGHTS (cab roof), WHELEN (midship), and FIRETEC
(at rear).
E-ONE Fire Apparatus: (352) 237-1122/www.e-one.com
The Triton Hose Company, Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, has in service this pumper/tender built by FOUR GUYS FIRE TRUCKS.
- KENWORTH Model 880 chassis;
- CUMMINS ISX-15 505-hp diesel engine;
- WATEROUS CSUC20 2,000-gpm, single-stage pump;
- UPF 2,500-gallon water and 30-gallon integral foam tanks;
- A.H. STOCK/NEWTON 10-inch square electric Kwik Dump with manual, extensions, and 180° swivel;
- ZIAMATIC portable tank rack;
- through-the-tank suction hose storage;
- ROM roll-up compartment doors;
- ONSPOT tire chains; and
- WHELEN scene lighting.
Four Guys Fire Trucks: (800) 634-8373/www.4guysfire.com
To request information go to fireeng.hotims.com
The Port of Seattle (WA) Fire Department added two pumpers built by SPARTAN ER.
- Gladiator ELFD chassis with 10-inch raised-roof cab having four seats and outside accessible storage for extra gear;
- CUMMINS ISX 12 500-hp diesel engine;
- HALE Qmax single-stage, 2,000-gpm pump with two 1¾-inch crosslays;
- UPF 650-gallon water tank;
- decontamination wash-down system;
- coffin compartments; and
- WHELEN scene lighting.
Spartan ER: (605) 582-2300/www.spartaner.com
To request information go to fireeng.hotims.com
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) in Madera County has in service this tactical tender built by MIDWEST FIRE TANKER.
- FREIGHTLINER M2 106 chassis;
- CUMMINS L9 350-hp diesel engine;
- HALE MBP 750-gpm PTO pump with preconnected crosslay;
- APR 2,000-gallon water tank with 10-inch rear NEWTON square dump valve with 36-inch swivel chute;
- 2½-inch direct tank fill;
- ZICO electric portable tank carrier with 2,100-gallon portable tank;
- all-poly body construction with ROM aluminum roll-up doors;
- six TOMAR multifunction series LED warning/scene lights; and
- PIONEER 2DIN combination GPS and backup camera.
Midwest Fire Tanker: (800 344-2059/www.midwestfire.com
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