The Manchester Volunteer Rescue Squad serves Chesterfield Counj ty, Virginia, a suburb of Richmond. In 1993, it was ranked the sixth fastest growing county in the nation. Within its first-due response f area are two nationally recognized planned communities, Brandermill and Woodlake. The squad’s response areas are mostly residential with some light industry. In the center of the first response area is a 20mile section of high-volume east/west highway.

The enormous growth led the squad to upgrade from a lightto a a medium-duty rescue truck, states spokesman Sam Langley. The vehi, cle, built by Aero Products, Inc., is mounted on a Freightliner FL-60 l chassis and has seating for six. The aluminum body has eight storage j compartments and an extended front bumper that features a six-ton ” Warn winch with remote control.

A 15-kW, PTO-driven Lima generator is provided. Lighting capa) bility consists of 500 and 1,500-watt Kwik-Raze telescoping flood-lights on masts and tripods at each corner of the body; six Whelen ‘ scene lights; and a 250,000-cp Jabsco spot/flood remote-control | searchlight mounted above the cab.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card

B Washington State LJniversity, located in the rolling hills and wheatlands of the Palouse region of southeast Washington state, has a ‘ daytime campus population of 25,000. The core campus at Pullman, Washington, has approximately $1 billion worth of structures. Of the , 23 residence halls on campus, 11 are high-rises.

Chief S. Randal Bennett explains that the pumper shown here was designed for maximum equipment-carrying capability and versatility. The vehicle provides 240 cubic feet of storage space in nine compart’ merits. A Hale Foam Pro 2000 dual-tank system was installed to combat hydrocarbon, polar solvent, and ordinary combustible fires more efficiently. The pumper responds to structural and flammable liquid fires as well as auto fires, extrications, and rescue calls and is a standby vehicle for special aircraft landings.

The pumper is built by KME on an aluminum Renegade MFD chassis with seating for six and a 198-inch wheelbase. It is powered by a Cummins L-10 350-hp diesel engine with an Allison HT-740 automatic transmission. It has a single-stage, 1,750-gpm Hale pump and carries 500 gallons of water, The dual-foam system features 20 gallons of Class A and 30 gallons of Class B concentrates. These tanks are integral with the water tank. The pump panel is top-mounted.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card

■ In New York State, the Swormville Fire Protection District covers approximately 12 square miles with a population of about I 1,000. The community is comprised of small businesses, farmland, and largely residential dwellings.

Past Chief Garry F. Daigler says the rescue truck responds to all fire alarms plus auto accidents, haz-mat incidents, and water rescues. The unit was built by Mobile Medical on an International 4900 chassis equipped with an International 230-lip diesel engine and an Allison MT-643 automatic transmission. Daigler adds that the unit also was designed to provide compressed air and supjxirt lighting. It carries an eight-bottle, 4,500-psi cascade system and a 6,000-psi Eagle compressor to refill it. A 25-kW Winco PTC) generator is mounted on the frame rails and provides power to a Command light tower, which throws 6,000 watts of illumination.

Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card

I In New York, the Taunton Volunteer Fire Department operates this rescue pumper built by Emergency One. Built on a Cyclone tiltcab chassis, the dual-purpose vehicle protects this suburb of Syracuse as both rescue unit and pumper, thus filling two critical roles. This is especially important during the day, when the number of personnel is limited, according to First Assistant Chief Michael I). Huppmann.

The unit is powered by a Detroit 8V92TA diesel engine with an Allison automatic transmission. It has a 1,500-gpm Hale pump and carries 500 gallons of water. There is seating and air (sacks for 10 firefighters, including an on-board air system for the driver/pump operator.

According to the chief, the vehicle was built with crew safety as a primary goal. The vehicle features Scotchlight all around, lightbars mounted on angles on the cab to cover intersections, a front-mounted lightbar, and four scene lights placed on both sides of the vehicle. Heated bus-type mirrors are provided for better visibility.

Crete No. 4 on Reader Service Card

I The Emory County (UT) Fire Department has eight of these urban interface minipumpers in service. Each pumper is assigned to a separate town within the county, according to Chief Garth Childs. The units have pump-and-roll capability for grass fires or initial attack for urban fires, including light structural attack and rescue.

The pumpers are built by LaGrange, Inc., on Ford F-350 four-byfour chassis with 137-inch wheelbases. They each have 65.2 cubic feet of storage space in seven compartments and 32 cubic feet of hose stor; age space.

The units each have a Darley Model HM 250-gpm PTO pump with piping for one 2 -inch discharge at the panel and two 1 -inch preconnects in crosslays. Each crosslay has 200 feet of hose. The units carry 200 gallons of water, a Class A foam system, and three-inch hose | in the hosebed.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Cord

■ Elkhart, Indiana, is an 18-square-mile city with a population of about 45,000. An aggressive annexation campaign is in progress. Highways 1-80 and 1-90 are major routes north of the city along with I S. Highways 20 and 33. Within the city limits is the Robert j Young Railyards, the main east-west switching yard.

According co Fire Chief Steven A. Gattman, this Pierce 100-foot elevating platform, which also has a pump, signifies a progressive stride for the department. The chief explains that the department can run it as a pumper for single “still” alarms and as a folly staffed aerial company for alarms involving multistoried structures.

The unit is mounted on an Arrow chassis with seating for six and a 219-inch wheelbase. The pump is a 1,500-gpm, two-stage Waterous CMU featuring a four-inch right-side discharge. There are two crosslays for two-inch attack lines. The platform, with 1,000-pound-load capacity, is fed from a five-inch rear intake and requires a 16-foot outrigger spread. An Elkhart SM-200 2,000-gpm nozzle is featured in the platform. The apparatus carries 775 feet of five-inch hose and is able to pump and run the aerial at the same time. The truck carries 200 gallons of water. (Photo by Steven A. Gattman.)

Circle No. 6 on Render Service Card

I Farmington, New Mexico, located in the northwest corner of the state, has a population of 40,000 within 24 square miles. The fire department needed a multipurpose vehicle for use in fire investigation, haz-mat incidents, and mobile command situations. Deputy Chief Bill Robertson was instrumental in designing the unit, built by Lynch Display Vans, Inc. (LDV) and mounted on a 25,000-pound G.V.W. International forward-control Model 1652SC chassis.

The vehicle design features a five-person command area, four firefighter seats with SCBA holders, a cascade system, air-conditioning, electric heaters, and full-length vented closets for chemical suit storage. For communications, radios, cellular and landline phones, a fax/copier, and headsets are provided. Exterior features include a 23foot awning, an observation deck, and four large storage compartments.

Grilo No. 7 on Render Servile Cord

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