Apparatus Innovations And Deliveries

Apparatus Innovations And Deliveries

The Fire Alarm Division of the Newton, Mass., Fire Department recently received a fire alarm maintenance truck from Reading Body Works. The all-steel unit is outfitted with a 32-foot Versalift aerial device for easy access to cable. A 2000-watt Onan generator is mounted in the truck bed and a 10,000-pound winch is installed under the rear bumper.

Circle No. 60 on Reader Service Card

One of two Seagrave mini-pumpers recently put in service in the Huber Heights, Ohio, Fire Department. Mounted on a Dodge 400 power wagon chassis with a Waterous 400-gpm CP K-3 pump, it has a 250gallon fiberglass booster tank and carries 200 feet of 1 1/2-inch, 500 feet of 4-inch, and 150 feet of 1 3/4-inch hose.

Circle No. 59 on Reader Service Card

The Riverside, Calif., Fire Department recently took delivery of an Emergency One aerial ladder. Built on a custom Pemfab chassis, it has a Fire Spire ladder capable of reaching 106 feet fully extended and at maximum angle of elevation.

Circle No. 51 on Reader Service Card

The Hershey, Pa., Volunteer Fire Company has taken delivery of an elevating platform. The Pierce truck features an 85-foot Snorkel on a Hendrickson chassis. Additionally, the truck has a 1250-gpm Waterous pump and a 300-gallon booster tank. Other features include 10 500-watt floodlights, a 6-kw generator, two 1H-inch crosslay preconnects, eight Scott air masks and a full complement of normal truck company tools and equipment.

Circle No. 61 on Reader Service Card

The Ringgold, Ga., Fire Department recently received a super pumper/tanker from W. S. Darley. Features include an S750 two-stage pump with a 1600-gallon removable tank, electric hose reel, full compartmentation and a hose bed capacity of 1500 feet of 2 1/2-inch hose.

Circle No. 44 on Reader Service Card

The Moore, Okla., Fire Department recently took delivery of a 1500gpm two-stage pumper from the Boardman Co. It is mounted on a Hendrickson 1871-S five-man custom chassis and has a Reading Techmatic Model T-50A Readi-Tower. Powered by a Detroit Diesel 8V-71N engine with an Allison 740 series automatic transmission, it features a Waterous CMUYBX two-stage midship pump, a 500-gallon booster tank and full compartments with all-aluminum tread plates.

Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card

The Canton, Ohio, Fire Department has a new Pierce Suburban pumper. Equipped with a Detroit Diesel 6V-92TA engine and Allison HT-740 automatic transmission, the unit is mounted on a Ford LS-9000 chassis. A Waterous CMYBX 1250-gpm pump and a 500-gallon water tank are also included.

Circle No. 50 on Reader Service Card

The Canastota, N.Y., Fire Department recently placed in service this 750-gpm front-mount Darley KDF pumper with pump and roll capability. Features include all controls at pump position, a 750-gallon tank, Mattydale hose bed and black vinyl pump panel.

Circle No. 42 on Reader Service Card

Emergency One is introducing its 20084 M rescue pumper. This Class A pumper is built on a Ford F-700 chassis and is powered by an 8.2N diesel engine. It is equipped with a 750 M Series Hale single-stage midship-mounted pump, a 500-gallon water tank and an electric rewind hose reel with 200 feet of 1-inch booster hose.

Circle No. 54 on Reader Service Card

The Funkstown Volunteer Fire Company of Washington County, Md., has placed in service a lime yellow and white Emergency One 1000gpm pumper with a top control panel. Built on a Ford C-8000 chassis, the unit has an Allison automatic transmission, two telescoping floodlights, a 3000-watt diesel generator and four preconnected lines.

Circle No. 63 on Reader Service Card

The Easton, Md., Volunteer Fire Department recently purchased this Grumman-built Oren custom pumper. Built on a 1871S Hendrickson chassis, it has an 8V-71 Detroit Diesel engine and an Allison MT-740 transmission. It features a Waterous 1000-gpm two-stage pump, 5-inch center-mounted front suction as well as two 2 1/2-inch gated suctions on each side of the truck above the side runningboards, a 300-gallon water tank, a Hannay booster reel mounted in the center rear compartment, and extra large hose bed for carrying 300 feet of 1½-inch hose and 3000 feet of 3-inch hose.

Circle No. 65 on Reader Service Card

The Ottawa Hills, Ohio, Fire Department’s Pierce Suburban pumper is mounted on a Ford C-8000 chassis and is powered by a Caterpillar 3208 diesel engine with Allison 643 automatic transmission. It has a Waterous CMYB-1000 pump and a 500-gallon tank.

Circle No. 57 on Reader Service Card

The Rawlins, Wyo., Fire Department recently received an Emergency One pumper which is mounted on a C-8000 Ford chassis and equipped with a 50-foot Tele-Squrt. The unit also features a Hale 1000-gpm single-stage midship pump and a 300-gallon aluminum water tank.

Circle No. 52 on Reader Service Card

Steve Shaw and DJ Stone

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LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

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