Apparatus prices beyond many department budgets
Ralph L. Lloyd
Assistant Chief
Carollton (OH) Volunteer Fire Department
Reference is made to “Co-Op Kamikaze`s: Our Prices Are INSAANE!” (Editor`s Opinion, October 1997). I don`t cry for the manufacturers or the sales centers when I just recently, along with some other officers, drew up specifications for a new engine and found out that in just 13 years the price increased $50,000, a 42 percent increase. That averages out to a three percent raise/year over that period. Then to top it all off, we were told that if we don`t buy it by the end of December 1997, we could expect a four to six percent price increase for 1998.
Now, what we are talking about is a “Plain Jane” standard engine with no frills.
Those price raises exceed the inflation rise; so what is going on? Maybe it wouldn`t be so bad after all if we had some kind of price control. Where are the prices of fire equipment going? We who operate under tight budgets dictated by our tax structures are extremely concerned.
Also, I think we need to look at some of the recent mergers in fire apparatus manufacturing. Fewer manufacturers beget less competition, a quasi-monopoly, and charges to the moon.