SEPTEMBER 9-12 — The Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs, Apparatus and Equipment Division presents its annual APPARATUS WORKSHOP, to be held at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. Classes include computer literacy, diesel and gas engine repair, aerial ladder testing, brakes, and many more. Contact: Michael Patti, (206) 866-1000 or (206) 352-7610.
SEPTEMBER 15-19—1991 AVIATION FIREFIGHTER’S COURSE, offered by the Norfolk Aviation Firefighter’s School, will be held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It introduces firefighters to the strategy, tactics, concepts, and procedures used in aviation firefighting. Contact: Noreen Gibson, Director of Employee and Community Relations or Sharon Carey, School Secretary, Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk, VA 23518, (804) 8573351.
SEPTEMBER 21-25—The International Association of Fire Chiefs is sponsoring IAFC ’91: LEADERSHIP FOR LIFE SAFETY, to be held in Toronto, Canada. The conference and exhibition includes more than 300 educational sessions, live outdoor demos, a parade, and an apparatus maintenance workshop. Contact: IAFC, 1329 18th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036-6516, (202) 833-3420.
SEPTEMBER 25-COMPLYING WITH OSHA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS AND WORKER/COMMUNITY RIGHT-TO-KNOW, a course sponsored by the American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, will be held in Houston, Texas. Contact: Registrar, American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, 900 Isom Rd., Suite 103, San Antonio, TX 78216, (800) 729-6742.
SEPTEMBER 26-28—The Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Emergency Services are sponsoring the HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONFERENCE. to be held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It features more than 35 workshop topics. Contact: Steve Grainer, Conference Coordinator, (804) 674-2452.
SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 2-nie American Fire Sprinkler Association’s 10TH ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION & EXHIBITION win take place in Reno, Nevada. More than 125 exhibitors and 20 seminars on topics ranging front management strategies and technical issues to personal and professional development are offered. Contact: Melissa Parks, (214) 349-5965.
OCTOBER 3-6—The SEVENTH ANNUAL EMS MANAGEMENT ACADEMY win be held in Kansas City, Missouri. It includes lectures, workshops, and discussions on managerial and administrative skills for EMS managers, directors, and owners. Contact: Fitch & Associates, (816) 431-2600.
OCTOBER 4-6—The Barstow Desert Rescue Squad and the San Bernadino Sheriff’s Department are sponsoring SAR CITY, a training event for search and rescue personnel to be held in Barstow, California. Training classes, demonstrations, case studies, and displays related to search and rescue in wilderness and urban settings are offered. Contact: Gary L. Heidorn, Sheriff’s Barstow Desert RescueSquad, (619) 254-2192.
OCTOBER 8-PLANNING FOR AND PREVENTING CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES, a course sponsored by the American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, will be held in San Antonio, Texas. It provides guidance on how to analyze plants and operations for possible accident events and how to use the analysis prevent and prepare for an accident Contact: Registrar, American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, 900 Isom Rd., Suite 103, San Antonio, TX 78216, (800) 729-6742.
OCTOBER 9-12 —The Washington State Chapter of International Association of Arson Investigator’s 1991 Annual Conference, BUILDING CODES, CONSTRUCTION METHODS, MATERIALS AND HOW THEY COMBINE TO CREATE UNUSUAL BURN PATTERNS, win be held in Port Townsend, Washington. Contact: Michael Fitz, MDE, 714 South Homer, Seattle, WA 98108, (206) 762-5454.
OCTOBER 14-18-40-HOUR HAZMAT ONSCENE INCIDENT COMMANDER, a course offered by General Physics Corporation, will be held in San Diego, California. Contact: Frances McGeehan, Course Registrar, General Physics Corp,, 6700 Alexander Bell Dr., Columbia. MD 21046, (800) 727-6677.
OCTOBER 15-17 — The Association of American Railroads and the Bureau of Explosives 4TH ANNUAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SEMINAR will be held in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact: Cyndi Stone, Association of American Railroads, 50 F Street NW, Room 6502, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 639-2230.
OCTOBER 17-18-BUILDING YOUR EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE PLAN, presented by the Santa Cruz County Fire Chiefs, will be held in Santa Cruz, California. Contact: Chief Don Ramos, (408) 335-4422; or Capt. Jim Dcliamonica, (408) 722-6188.
OCTOBER 17-20-SUNBELT FIRE EXPO ’91 will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina. It features exhibits, entertainment, and seminars and special programs on topics such as building collapse, given by FDNY’s Vincent Dunn; haz mats: apparatus; fighting fires in sprinkle-red buildings; and more. Contact: Rob Brisely, (800) 282-EXPO.
OCTOBER 21-25-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSTRUCTOR’S TRAINING COURSE, a 40-hour course for development of hazardous materials instructors, will be held in Columbia, Maryland. It addresses principles of adult education and methods of instruction. Contact: Registrar, HazMat, Inc., (301) 964-0940 or (800) 777-8474.
OCTOBER 22-ADAPT To SURVIVE: THE EVOLUTION IN FIRE SPRINKLER TECHNOLOGY, a oneday technology update seminar offered by the National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc. (NFSA), will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. Topics covered include: NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D. backflow protection; earthquake protection; and the proposed NFPA 25. Contact: NFSA, P.O. Box 1000, Patterson, NY 12563, (914) 878-4200.