Report on Application of New Technology To Modern Fire Apparatus
By 1975, the date which marked the birth of the United States Fire Administration (USFA), and shortly after release of the America Burning report, the North American Fire Service responded to public demand by broadening its response obligations to include a variety of emergency situations which required advanced technologies and improved functionality of fire apparatus and related equipment. Since that time, North America’s fleet of fire apparatus has aged dramatically and, in many cases, existing equipment cannot continue to efficiently, functionally and safely support the expanded role and increased demands placed upon fire service organizations.
The Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) is comprised of over 100 member companies who design, manufacture and market automotive fire apparatus and related equipment in the United States and Canada. Established in 1946, FAMA members have been committed to the development of technologically advanced fire apparatus and fire suppression equipment, and have worked tirelessly to improve the safety, performance and functionality of such equipment. This “White Paper” report was prepared by FAMA, through the input of its member companies, for the benefit of all North American Fire Service agencies that provide public fire protection to the citizens in their communities. The report is organized into six sections that summarize specific improvements and added features related to aerial, body, chassis, electrical, general, and pump features. The report will be updated periodically as changes are incorporated into the NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, or when technological advances provide substantial improvements in the safety and functionality of fire apparatus.
This report is intended to serve as a resource for fire service administrators who are considering replacement of outdated or obsolete fire protection equipment, or who are in the process of purchasing new equipment. It has been formatted to facilitate flexibility in support of these administrators who need to present expenditures and budget justification to their sources of funding. In each section, specific new features have been itemized and paired with a description of particular benefits derived from each feature or technological improvement. The features are further distinguished as to when the new technology was developed, and whether the new feature is now required under updated NFPA Standards. In addition, each feature is categorized as related to improved safety, serviceability, durability, or performance of the apparatus. Using the “cut and paste” feature in Adobe Acrobat or Excel, the user is invited to easily incorporate the data contained in this report for constructing an effective presentation that is suited to a variety of applications.