Firemen Killed in Apparatus Crash

Firemen Killed in Apparatus Crash

When the driver of a New York city engine company that was on the way to answer a fire alarm, swerved his apparatus suddenly in order to avoid striking the driver of a motorcycle that was coming towards him, the men were thrown from the apparatus to the ground. Two were killed and three, including the motor cyclist, were injured; one is reported as very low.

The cyclist, it is claimed did not hear the bells of the approaching fire company, and when it was too late, both made valiant attempts to avoid the collision. The motor cycle struck the fire engine a glancing blow and became entangled in it. One fireman killed was the driver of the apparatus.

As is always the case in fatal accidents of this kind, the company was responding to extinguish a fire of a trivial nature—a fire in a bus belonging to the Fifth Avenue Coach Company.

Battleboro, Vt., Purchases Pumper—A 750-gallon Seagrave pumper has been placed in service at Battleboro, Vt. The apparatus is equipped with an 80-gallon booster tank.

Nyack, N. Y., Error Corrected—In a previous issue, it was reported that Captain Babcock of Nyack, N. Y., was presented with a hat by friends. The presentation was made by Capt. Johnston of Salvage Patrol No. 1, of New York; Capt. Babcock is an officer of the Nyack, N. Y., fire patrol.

CA Fire Department Pilot-Testing Drone Response to ‘Unknown Type’ Fire Calls

The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has launched a pilot program making drones the first responders for "unknown type fire" calls.
Mike Dugan and company talking building constructon and disasters

Humpday Hangout: Building Codes and Disasters

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