Manufacturers’ Literature
80 Fire Apparatus—Two brochures are available from J.C. Moore Industries, Fire Apparatus Division. One describes the new Moore-E-Conomy fire apparatus which includes pumper-tankers, tankers, minipumpers and skid units. Also available with it is a series of specification sheets. The other brochure describes the complete line of services available from the company such as repairing, rebuilding and refurbishing all types of fire apparatus.
81 Foam Generators—Mine Safety Appliances Company has issued two illustrated data sheets on the Model 3000 and Model 700 Foamaker generators. The Model 3000 is available in portable or permanently installed models and can be obtained as either an electric or water-powered unit located in-line up to 100 feet away. It can be adjusted to meter foam concentrate from 1 to 6 percent. The Model 700 is a permanently installed automatic fire fighting system. It can he used where spot fire control is essential, and where automatic detection and operation is desired independent of the electrical power in the area.
82 Fire Deluge Systems—An eight-page technical bulletin on fire deluge and pressure control systems is available from the Maxitrol Company. The Sentry SV3000D system is designed for use with open sprinklers where a fast flooding of an entire area is required. The SV300F system is designed for use with automatic sprinklers for outlet pressures between 30 and 220 psi. Both systems are UL listed and the Sentry valves are seismic qualified.
83 Breathing Air Systems—An eightpage bulletin entitled “Guide to High Pressure Respiratory Air Systems” is available from Pressure Systems, Inc. Included are details on the complete respiratory air station and a compressor selection guide.
84 Emergency Lighting—A six-page gatefold catalog entitled “Survival Lighting” is available from Teledyne Big Beam. Six series of Teledyne Big Beam emergency lights are illustrated and described.
85 Rescue Equipment—A 16-page catalog describing its rescue equipment is available from Dive Rescue. Included are descriptions of specialized recovery equipment, rappel equipment, rope, swift water rescue equipment, life bags, special application equipment, water-resistant items, diving equipment, etc., and a price list. Described also are a dive rescue handbook, training slide/ cassettes on near-drowning emergencies, and training schools conducted on dive rescue and such specialized areas as swift water rescue, air crash/water rescue and law enforcement water tactics.
86 Pumpers—A two-page, four-color brochure highlighting the features of the FMC Roughneck pumper is available from FMC Fire Apparatus Operation. The brochure describes the Roughneck which is offered in three standard versions: midship pump, midship with separate high-pressure pump, and front mount. Standard features are described and illustrated, as well as many popular options.
(Continued on page 102)
87 Cutting Tools—Complete information on over 200 different industrial tools and cutters is available in a 76-page catalog from H.K. Porter, Inc.
88 Batteries—JaBro Batteries, Inc., has released an eight-page catalog of batteries for paging, communications and public safety systems. Featuring one energy source, the catalog illustrates and describes battery requirements from standard mercury or alkaline throw-away to nickel cadmium pager and communication batteries.
89 Warning Lights—Warn Industries has available a new 12-page color catalog describing its safety products. The catalog includes photographs, specifications and application information for more than 20 different warning devices and accessories for vehicles and stationary mounting.
90 Ambulances—Superior Trans-Med has issued two data sheets on the Stoner Supervan and the Stoner Series X2 paramedic ambulances.
91 Voice/Alarm Appliance—New literature describing the Wheelock voice/alarm appliance is available from Wheelock Signals, Inc. The four-page brochure details the 870 series voice/alarm panel, showing how it is possible to convert a standard fire alarm system from electromechanical alarms to voice communications, synthetic tone signaling and strobe light capability. The brochure details features, gives electrical and performance characteristics, and interconnect diagram, photographs, plus ordering and mounting configurations.
92 Diesel Engines—A new brochure featuring diesel engines and automatic transmissions for fire fighting equipment is available from the Detroit Diesel Allison Division of General Motors. The brochure provides engine and transmission specifications for fire truck applications. Diesel engines are available in a wide range of sizes and power ratings from 165 to 434 hp.