- Firefighter
- Stay with crew at all times.
- Ensure that name tag is on passport at all times.
- Engineer
- Engineer of first engine to each geographic side (exposure sides 1, 2, 3, 4) of incident or point of entry becomes initial accountability officer.
- Collect passports from crews and apparatus assigned to his side of incident (sector).
- J*”Manage accountability until relieved by sector officer or accountability officer.
- Company Officer
- tKeep crew intact at all times.
- Ensure that passports are current and accurate.
- JEnsure that passport reflects only those personnel entering the hazard zone, i-“Turn in passport at point of entry and retrieve after exit.
- Sector Officer
- Account for all crews in assigned sector.
- Maintain awareness of exact crew locations.
- Maintain accurate passports of crews in the hazard zone.
- Vote In situations where the sector officer must enter the hazard zone. pass|Krts will continue to be managed by the engineer at the first engine to each side of the incident (accountability location) or a designated accountability officer for that sector.
- Accountability Officer—Staff Officer or Other Member Designated by Command
- tHeam up with assigned sector officer to manage all accountability for that sector.
- Collect all passports from engineers, apparatus, or the sector officer.
- Maintain close coordination with other accountability officers.
- Accountability Sector Officer—Designated by Command
- Manage accountability officers.
- Initiate PARs at tactical benchmarks or as needed.
- Command
- ixTraek location of all crews.
- Advise later-arriving crews which engine is serving as accountability location for passports or which sector or accountability officer is accepting passports at the point of entry.