Following the articles on “Fire Apparatus and Appliances” apppearing in this journal, the accompanying descriptions of the steel horse-collar and Barton snaps are given:

When the steel horse-collar was first introduced about twenty years ago, it encountered much prejudice. It was such a radical change from the collars then in use that there was an unwillingness to give it even a trial. This adverse feeling was hard and unyielding, as it was considered the new collar would hurt the horse’s shoulders. These critics failed to realise that a hard, smooth surface is easier to shotdder than a surface that is uneven and padded. This the farmer and mechanic accept as a fact, when they use tools with handles hard and smooth. Not till it had been given a fair trial, and constant and increasing demands for made from those who had used them, did this prejudice disappear, consequently, its introductory progress was slow. In 1893 the United States War Department adopted the steel collar for use in the Artillery service. New York and several large cities had already adopted it for use in their fire departments, and they were soon followed by many of the other leading cities and towns in the country. The old cry that they will hurt the horses is now never heard, as their usefulness has been established. The Thomson collar is pressed up from thin sheet steel of extra good quality; possesses great strength, and is lighter than those generally used. The trace being attached to the front section of the collar side, is supported by a plate-spring operating between the front and rear sections of the collar-side, which relieves the horse’s shoulder from sudden shock. It has a liberal range of adjustment in length and width, and the facility with which one collar can be made to fit any number of horses of about the same weight is one of its important advantages. The collar and its fittings are put together with bolts, and can be quickly taken apart for the purpose of changing the size or making repairs. The parts of the collar that rest on the neck and shoulders are galvanised, which prevents galling in warm or wet weather and will heal sores made by the padded collar. It is almost indestructible, and can be renewed at small cost to look as well as new. Like all inventions embodying a radical change from those in general use, the steel collar has worn down prejudice, and its success has been recognised by the iarge number now in use in fire departments.


East Hartford, Conn., will probably organise a board of fire police to protect property taken from burning buildings.

Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…
San Jose House Fire Reignites

Home Fire in San Jose (CA) Reignites; Firefighters Respond Again

A fire in a San Jose home that firefighters reported as extinguished early Saturday morning reignited Saturday evening, forcing authorities to evacuate a nearby house…