The City of Topeka, Kansas, has ordered five Rosenbauer Custom Pumpers and one Rosenbauer 101’ rear mount aerial platform truck from Rosenbauer dealer, Max Fire Apparatus.
Rosenbauer/Max Fire Apparatus was chosen by the City of Topeka over five other companies to aide the city’s fire department in replacing its aging front-line apparatus. A competitive bid process and a joint effort by the fire department’s management and its firefighters helped to detail specifications for the new equipment. Fire Chief Allen Bradshaw offered, “A lot of effort has been put into creation of a replacement (apparatus) schedule which would afford our firefighters the best resources possible when they arrive on scene. We believe today’s order is among our first steps towards ensuring they have these essential resources.”
The vehicles will be manufactured at Rosenbauer’s Minnesota division. Max Fire Apparatus is the authorized Rosenbauer dealer for the state of Kansas.
The pumpers will be built on Metro Star chassis with a 360 HP engine and a 3000 EVS transmission. They will feature top mount pump panels, 1,500 GPM pumps, 750 gallon water/foam tank, extruded aluminum body, full height compartments both sides, roll-up doors, ladder storage inside body with access at rear, multiplexing, LED warning lights, Q2B siren, a Howler and a red paint scheme.
The aerial will be built on a Gladiator chassis with a 525 HP engine and a 4000 EVS transmission. The aerial will feature an extruded aluminum body, a full NFPA complement of ground ladders, large transverse forward compartments, roll-up doors, multiplexing, LED warning lights, Q2B siren, a Howler and a red paint scheme. The vehicle is also equipped with Rosenbauer’s exclusive Green Star idle reduction technology that uses electronic controls to shut down the chassis engine on-scene while still providing 12V electrical lighting and 15 kW 120/240 volt power.
All of the vehicles are scheduled for delivery to Topeka by March of 2011.