Video: Bill Gustin on Forcible Entry

A Miami-Dade firefighter cuts a door with a Mul-T-lock
Fire Engineering/YouTube

In this firefighter training video, Captain Bill Gustin of Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue and company demonstrate two methods for forcing doors with high-security multiple locks. Video courtesy of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.


Tripping a Tubular Deadbolt from the Top

Training Minutes: Multiple Stacked Locks

Forcible Exiting: “The Fortified Rear Door”

Construction Concerns: Door Reinforcements

GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed

GA Fire Battalion Chief Killed in Alabama Shooting

A fire battalion chief from Georgia was killed in a roadside shooting that injured two other people in Chambers County on Sunday night, the sheriff’s office said.
David Rhodes, Jerry Tracy, and Jack J. Murphy

In The Books: High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges

David Rhodes discusses the comprehensive book High-Rise Buildings: Understanding the Vertical Challenges with authors Gerald Tracy and Jack Murphy.