Many firefighters are in defined benefit pension plans and do not pay into Social Security through their department, but some work other part-time or full-time jobs on their off days and do contribute to Social Security. For years, firefighters have been penalized substantially and not allowed to collect the full amount for what they have contributed. The Social Security Fairness Act seeks to repeal both the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), and would allow you to collect based on what you have contributed.
RELATED: The Hill: Social Security reforms face uncertain future in Senate
H.R. 82 passed the House on November 12, 2024, with a bipartisan vote of 327 Members and was delivered to the senate on November 19, 2024. No action has been taken in the Senate. Firefighters nationwide need to let their senators know to bring this to a vote and vote yes, and end the penalties, allowing firefighters to collect the Social Security they have contributed to for decades.
How you can help:
Sign the petition: Bring the Social Security Fairness Act before the U.S. Senate for a vote! | MoveOn
If your senator has not yet shown support by cosponsoring and voting yes for S. 597, please continue to work with state advocates to encourage them to do so! Use the link below to locate your senators’ official government websites. Find the contact form at their site and send a direct message making the request. https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm