16 mm Films
HIGHFIRE! PLAN FOR SURVIVAL, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 19 minutes; rental $70 week, purchase $340.
Life safety and fire prevention are stressed in this film on high-rise building safety that was produced with the cooperation of the Los Angeles City and County Fire Departments. Evacuation programs, team fire fighting, preparation for helicopter rescue and how to handle strangers in the building are among the topics covered. A leader’s guide and quiz cards are included with the film.
A CRY FOR THE CHILDREN, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 11 minutes; rental $24 week, purchase $175.
The principles of home fire survival are dramatized in this film, which emphasizes the need for planned escape routes from the home and the necessity for smoke detectors. It was designed to be shown by fire departments as a public fire safety education effort.
HEATING WITH WOOD, Motion Picture Center, Box 41, Roberts Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 14853; color, 16 minutes; rental $12.50, purchase $230.
The best types of stoves, where to locate them safely, the proper installation of chimneys, the creosote problem and what to do about a chimney fire are among the topics handled in this film.
THE ABC’s AND D’s OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 26 minutes; rental $45 week, purchase $325.
In addition to showing how to operate portable extinguishers and explaining how they work, this film uses industrial backgrounds to explain which types of extinguishers should be used on what types of fires.
WILDLAND FIRE CONTROL—For 16mm films and training courses with 35mm color slides, instructor guides and workbooks, request free brochure listing 32 audiovisual offerings from National Audiovisual Center, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C.20409.