About that “dirty secret”
Thomas J. Huser
Fishers, Indiana
I just finished reading “The Dirty Secret” (Editor`s Opinion, November 1996). I am glad to see someone is trying to raise the issue of fire prevention. I have been a member of the fire service for more than 14 years and believe that the call for fire prevention and associated codes is long overdue. Unfortunately, the attitude of the majority of the fire service was shown to the world when Ron Howard, in his movie Backdraft, showed the sign located in the kitchen above the television. It read: “Chicago Fire Department, 150 years of tradition unimpeded by progress.”
The fire service has proven by the formation of the Congressional Fire Caucus that it can wield political clout; unfortunately, this has yet to be extended to state and local levels. Change also must occur within the fire service itself. People do not join the fire department to go out and teach prevention; they join for the excitement and the action. To the majority of firefighters, they are in the fire service because it is “fun” to ride those shiny fire trucks through town with the red lights and sirens! There is also the mentality, of the city fathers as well as the fire service, that runs are productivity and productivity is job security.
We are also in a society that views regulations and laws as government intervention. Where people have the “right” to be careless without regard for the consequences to themselves or others. Where people are given sympathy when they suffer a loss, without regard for whether or not they were at fault.
It will take more than just changing the attitude of a few; however, it is the job of the fire service to begin to make the change. The change must take place at all levels, from the chief on down. The change also must include the fire service publications, which are filled with “action” photos but do not have regular prevention articles.
Good job on the start; let us hope that it continues.