Source: SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Approximately 2,454 buses are going to be retrofitted, located in the Sydney (Australia) metro and outer metro areas (bounded by Newcastle, Blue Mountains and Wollongong areas) across 40 bus depots. Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has sent out a Request for Proposal (see link below). In the procurement specifications you can read the following:
19 System Certification
19.1 Systems must be certified to either the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP) P-Mark SPCR 183 Certification Process, including successful completion of the SP method 4912: Method For Testing The Suppression Performance Of Fire Suppression Systems Installed In Engine Compartments Of Buses And Coaches Edition 3, 2012-10-09, or an equivalent recognised certification, design and testing process.
22 Risk Assessment Process
22.1 As required by SPCR 183, the Supplier must undertake a design risk assessment process for each Bus Type in collaboration with the Contract Bus OEM supplier, the Contract Bus owner and TfNSW.
22.2 The purpose of this risk assessment is to demonstrate that the System design corresponds to the P-Mark, or equivalent certification process.
You can find all available documents here: