Catalog of NFA training packages available
Understanding how a fire will affect a building’s structural stability is imperative for fire suppression forces if they are to ensure their own safety during emergency operations.
“Building Construction for Fire Suppression Forces” is the latest of the training media packages put together by the National Fire Academy (NFA) and available through the National Audiovisual Center. The first building construction course covers wood and ordinary construction; the second focuses on noncombustible and fireresistive construction.
To date, there are 13 training courses that have been developed, field tested, validated, and reviewed by the NFA for use by state and local fire/rescue service organizations. There are now four programs being developed and field tested and will be available for hand off through the NFA’s train-thetrainer program. The first, expected to be available later in 1987, is “Preparing for Incident Command, Commanding the Initial Response.” The second, expected to be available in 1988, is “Firefighter Safety and Survival, the Company Officer’s Responsibility, and Program Implementation.” “Initial Company Tactical Operations, Multiple Company Tactical Operations” should be available in 1989. In 1990, the NFA expects to hand off “Leadership for the Fire Officer, Written Communication for the Fire Officer.”
For a free copy of Training Packages for the Fire Service, which describes the complete NFA collection, write to the National Audiovisual Center in Capitol Heights, MD; or phone (301) 763-1896. The National Audiovisual Center is the central information and distribution source for more than 8,000 films, videos, and other media produced by or for the United States Government.