Webinar: Advocating for Fire Sprinklers on Capitol Hill

Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) Webinar Series

Advocating for Fire Sprinklers on Capitol Hill

DATE: 2/25/2009

TIME: 2:00 – 3:00PM EST

LOCATION: Your personal computer!

COST: Free

RSVP: Email malderfer@cfsi.org by 2/24/2010

Moderated by Bill Webb, CFSI Executive Director, the program will feature Andy Quinn, founding partner of McAllister and Quinn, a leading government relations company in Washington, DC.  The two of them will talk about the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act, legislation that would create economic incentives to install automatic fire sprinklers in commercial buildings.  An important legislative initiative for the major fire service organizations, the measure was originally introduced in 2003 following the Station fire in West Warwick, RI that claimed the lives of 100 victims.  Quinn serves as key advisor to a broad-based coalition of public safety organizations advocating for passage of the measure.  A former legislative director for Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD-5), Quinn will discuss potential strategies for passage of the bill and answer questions regarding the overall outlook for working with Congress in the second session of the 111th Congress.  His insight and knowledge of the inner workings of Congress can be of great benefit to fire service leaders who want to learn more about the legislative process.

To register for this Webinar please email malderfer@cfsi.org by close-of-business February 24, 2010.

Established in 1989 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy institute, CFSI is designed to educate members of Congress about the needs and challenges of our nation’s fire and emergency services so that the federal government provides the types of training and funding needed by our first responders.  

For CFSI, success is built around education.  In an effort to better educate Congress about the needs of the fire service, and to keep the fire service informed on activities in our nation’s capital, we are proud to launch the CFSI Webinar Series.  Each month CFSI will host a webinar featuring members of Congress, Congressional staff, federal officials, or fire service leaders discussing the pertinent national issues affecting the fire and emergency services.

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