NOVEMBER 16-20 -COMPUTER-AIDED MANAGEMENT OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS (CAMEO), sponsored by the New York State Department of State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, Academy of Fire Science. Contact: Academy of Fire Science, P.O. Box 811, Montour Falls, NY 14865-0811

NOVEMBER 18-20-INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUES FOR THE FIRE INVESTIGATOR, sponsored by the New York State Department of State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, Academy of Fire Science. Prerequisite involved. Contact: Academy of Fire Science, P.O. Box 811, Montour Falls, NY 14865-0811.

NOVEMBER 19-INTERPRETING & UNDERSTANDING NFPA 1500, sponsored by the Fire-Department Safety Officers Association, will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Contact: Marilyn Crafts, FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721-0149, (508)-881-3114.

NOVEMBER 20-INTERPRETING & UNDERSTANDING NFPA 1500, sponsored by the Fire Department Safety Officers Association, will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact: Marilyn Crafts, FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721-0149, (508)-881-3H4.

NOVEMBER 30-DECEMBER 2-TANK TRUCK EMERGENCY RESPONSE course, sponsored bv the Texas Engineering Extension Service—Occupational and Environmental Safety Training Division, will be held in College Station, Texas. Contact: Sheila Bartek, TEEX-OES, The Texas A&M UniversitySystem, College Station, TX 77843-8000, (409) 845-3419.

DECEMBER 2-DOMESTIC UNREST IN AMERICA: ARE YOU PREPARED? is sponsored by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and will be held in Newark, New Jersey. Contact: LSTEME, 30 Main St., Ashland, MA 01721, (508) 881-5800.

DECEMBER 2-4 — The American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, Inc. is sponsoring the course EMERGENCY RESPONSE TECHNICIAN/SPECIALIST (24-HOUR), to be held in San Antonio, Texas. Contact: The American Institute of Hazardous Materials Management, Inc.; 900 Isom Rd., Suite 103; San Antonio, TX 78216-4102; (512) 340-7775 or (800) 729-6742.

DECEMBER 3-DOMESTIC UNREST IN AMERICA: ARE YOU PREPARED? is sponsored by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: LSTEME. 30 Main St., Ashland, MA 01721, (508) 881-5800.

DECEMBER 3-UNDERSTANDING NFPA 25INSPECTION, TESTING, AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, given by the National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc., will be held at the Trumbull Marriott in Connecticut. Contact: Marlene Marshall, NFSA, P.O. Box 1000, Patterson, NY 12563, (914) 878-4200.

DECEMBER 3-6—The COLORADO FIRE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE ,92 will be held at Beaver Run Resort in Breckenridge, Colorado. The latest in management and leadership techniques, including incident leadership during civil disturbances, will be presented by 1 1 leaders from various fields. Contact: Red, White & Blue Fire Protection District, P.O. Box 710, Breckenridge, CO 80424, (303) 453-2474.

DECEMBER 5-PREPARING THE FIRE GROUND SAFETY OFFICER, sponsored by the Fire Department Safety Officers Association, will be presented in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The seminar addresses topics such as appointing department and fire ground safety officers; liabilities; before, during, and after-the-call procedures; time keeping; and accident/injury reduction and processing. Contact: Marilyn Crafts, FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721-0149, (508)-881-3114.

DECEMBER 7-11-A 40-hour HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TECHNICIAN COURSE will be given at the University of Nevada, Reno Dodd/Beals Fire Protection Training Academy in Reno, Nevada. Contact: Registrar, UNR/FPTA P.O. Box 60177, Reno, NV 89506, (702) 9720785.

Fire Destroys Historic North Philadelphia Church

Fire tore through the United Missionary Baptist Church Monday night as frigid temperatures hindered the efforts to put it out.
tacoma (wa) firing range

One Killed, Another Injured in Fire at Indoor Shooting Range in Tacoma (WA)

One person was killed and another injured after fire broke out at an indoor shooting range in Tacoma on Sunday.