The United States Testing Co. of Hoboken, N.J., has been designated as an agency acceptable to the New York State secretary of state for the purpose of combustion toxicity testing under Article 15 of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
New York is the first state in the nation to require combustion toxicity testing of certain building materials. The materials tested by the company will be from manufacturers throughout the country but will be used in New York State.
New York State Department of State officials estimate that, over the next several years, thousands of materials and products—ranging from building materials, interior finishes, and insulation to electrical wire conduit—will be tested and registered.
The company’s engineering services division will be providing flammability tests such as flame spread rating and critical radiant flux data.
Viking America Inc. has moved its base of operations from Stratford, Conn., to Solon, Ohio. The new location gives Viking more space for inventory and repairs. A mainframe computer network will also provide Viking with better order tracking and a more sophisticated accounting system.
Viking is a producer of dry suits for search and rescue, sport, military’, and commercial diving.