Every month, in addition to the in-depth pieces you find in Fire Engineering‘s print magazine, we strive to bring you important training articles from some of the top instructors in the U.S. fire service. December was no exception, with Web-only features from Frank Ricci, P.J. Norwood, Danny Sheridan, Forest Reeder, and “Construction Concerns” bulletins from Greg Havel.
Frank Ricci, Justin McCarthy, Jason Rivera, and P.J. Norwood examine the use of smoke curtains in Germany and considers how U.S. fire departments could employ these tools for controlling the door and flow path.
Daniel P. Sheridan says, take that extra time in your size-up and ensure that you have a way out, a way off the roof, or a general means of egress depending on the situation.
Downplaying the importance of your health or merely assuming that you are fit to do the work amounts to a display of selfishness and recklessness that should not be tolerated, writes Dan Kerrigan.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief Bobby Halton and FireRescue Editor in Chief Erich Roden talk to Frank Ricci, P.J. Norwood, and Justin McCarthy. Sponsored by Fire-Dex.