Ensuring egress in high-rises
Dave Van Holstyn
Grand Rapids (MI) Fire Department
I enjoyed Captain David M. McGrail`s series on high-rise/standpipe hose packs (Fire Engineering, July and August 1999). The program he and others presented at FDIC 1999 was excellent. It provided attendees with some very valuable insights into an area unfamiliar to many of us.
In Part 2 of his series, McGrail refers to the importance of hooking up to the standpipe in a safe area, such as the floor below the fire. He also refers to nonmultistory, large-area buildings such as factories or warehouses, where, he says, the hookup should be “accomplished as close to the fire area as possible while still maintaining a safe enough distance to establish and keep control of the standpipe outlet valve.” This is excellent advice; however, what is often overlooked is what can happen when fireground conditions deteriorate. When the connection to the standpipe is made in the stairwell one floor below the fire, firefighters can follow the hoseline back to the safety of that stairwell, which will lead them outside. In a large factory, they can only follow the line back to the standpipe outlet. This may no longer be a safe area. The route leading outside may now be difficult or im-possible to find or follow.
A simple solution to his potentially serious problem is to mark the route from the standpipe outlet to a safe area with a rope. It is easy to do as you are entering the building and will allow retreating firefighters a direct path of safety. This simple rule should be applied anytime the hoseline does not take you back to a safe area regardless of conditions at the time.
Thanks to McGrail and the Denver Fire Department for sharing their experience and research in this area. I`ll look forward to more information on the subject.