Will Rogers once said, “It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.” Although these words typically provoke a smile when quoted, at the same time, they can haunt us when we find ourselves believing something that may not be accurate. What do you believe about the fire sprinkler-protected buildings in your district?
Once, in most fire protection districts you could almost count on your fingers and toes the number of buildings protected by fire sprinkler systems. Prior to the early 1970s, sprinkler-protected buildings were not common. Typically, they were restricted to large manufacturing, textile, warehouse, and industrial occupancies. Protected properties usually had very simple “tree” or pipe schedule systems.
As laws were enacted requiring fire sprinkler protection, the number of protected buildings began to increase. When the advantages of sprinkler systems were recognized, the systems proliferated. Variances allowed in building codes allowed provisions for sprinkler protection to take the place of costlier requirements.
Today, we may be surprised to find a building that does not have this protection. What is worse, we may not even notice when sprinklers are present and take for granted that they are properly maintained and fully operational. If you live in an area of the country in which the majority of its growth has occurred in the past 30 years, most of the commercial buildings built in that period would be protected with fire sprinklers.
When there were few buildings with sprinkler protection, it was more likely that the local fire department was familiar with the buildings that had fire sprinklers. It was also highly probable that the department had a through knowledge of the buildings’ sprinkler systems and the unique hazards of the properties.
Why is this topic important? You would be shocked to know that at any one time, a full 25 percent of the fire sprinkler systems in your jurisdiction may be in some way impaired. This can range from fully to partially closed control valves, a change in occupancy from that originally protected by the fire sprinkler system, or a reduction in the water supply resulting from growth in the area. What does this mean for you?
Erroneous assumptions about local fire sprinkler systems can result in costly mistakes at the very least, fatalities at the worst. After the fire has started is the wrong time to find out about the condition of these systems.
The majority of commercial properties are required by code to include fire sprinklers, creating two interesting situations. First, there is generally an assumption that most newer properties have fire sprinkler protection. Second, it is nearly impossible for the public fire service to be familiar with the details of the myriad sprinkler-protected properties in its community. There may be a general understanding of sprinkler system basics, including how they work, the location of the control valves (maybe), and some standard procedures for responding to buildings protected with these systems. However, the old adage, “It’s what you don’t know that can hurt you” should be carefully considered when it comes to sprinkler-protected buildings.
Often fire sprinklers are installed because they are required by code. Usually, there are trade-offs in having these systems. If you are going to “make” me install fire sprinklers, then other requirements can be reduced: fewer fire hydrants, reduced need for fire stopping, larger “compartments” within a fire division, less costly building materials, and so forth. The reduced requirements often allowed for cost savings. The key is that these trade-offs require the presence of a properly designed fire sprinkler system with an adequate water supply. Without this suppression system, you have a structure with no fire protection designed to less stringent building requirements.
This is just one reason fire personnel must be aware of the adequacy of the fire sprinkler system and must know how to use the system to properly manage a fire.
To address this need, the National Fire Pro- tection Association (NFPA) developed a pamphlet in 1933, later published as NFPA 13E, Recommended Practice for Fire Department Operations in Properties Protected by Sprink-ler and Standpipe Systems. As stated in the Scope section, this document is intended to assist fire departments.
“This recommended practice provides basic procedures and information for use in fire department operations concerning properties equipped with certain fixed fire protection systems. The fixed systems covered in this recommended practice are interior automatic sprinkler systems, exterior sprinkler systems, and standpipe systems.”
Although this may sound like a relatively simple task, one only has to look just below the surface and discover that in most jurisdictions, it would take a well-trained staff to apply the management techniques contained in this document. This guide, intended to provide assistance with preplanning and operations during fire conditions, can be challenging to implement.
When NFPA 13E was originally published, and for most of its existence, fire sprinkler systems were typically found in large industrial warehouse and manufacturing facilities or small special hazard facilities. For the most part, these buildings were protected by one or two systems that were relatively simple to identify and work with. The “tree” or pipe schedule wet-pipe system was the most commonly used (pipe sizes were selected from a chart based on the number of sprinkler heads supplied by a specific size of pipe). Because of its relatively simple design, the pipe schedule method allowed for the selection of the proper pipe size to deliver water in quantities based on hazards identified as light, ordinary, and extra hazard. The basic procedure in many departments was for the first or second responding engine company to lay a supply line from the hydrant and connect to the fire department connection (siamese/FDC) and prepare to pump into the system at 150 psi if a working fire was discovered. Because the layout was relatively simple, with one connection and control valve for the system, there was little concern about operations related to these systems.
(2) A wall indicator valve (WIV) and water motor gong (WMG) located at a shopping mall. Can you determine from this vantage point what part of the mall this sprinkler system valve serves? |
As buildings have become larger with the proliferation of shopping centers, covered malls, large hotel properties, hospitals, sports arenas, distribution warehouses, and similar complex occupancies, there have been correlating changes with sprinkler protection. It is not uncommon to find multiple systems in these buildings, because of area protection limits set within NFPA 13, Fire Sprinkler Code. In inspecting the exterior of these buildings, you discover multiple fire department connections, control valves, test valves, and the like.
In warm climates, the riser for the system may be outside, making access and observation of system controls relatively easy. This is especially helpful during fire conditions when accessing the building interior may be difficult. In addition, there are often sectional control valves within the building that may be in a storeroom, a false or drop ceiling area, and so forth. When the building is visited under normal conditions, there is little problem locating these system controls.
However, during a fire emergency, it is very difficult to identify main and sectional control valves and verify system components. American Water Works Association (AWWA) requirements for backflow prevention devices to protect the potable water system caused an increase in the number of control valves. It is likely that a single riser system may have five shutoff valves. Although sometimes they are monitored with tamper switches, most are installed with the indicating valves located for physical observation to make certain they are open.
Now add multiple systems within a large building, and there could be dozens of valves to monitor. On large systems on private or yard mains, there could be any number of sectional valves. These private yard mains are not easily identifiable by casual observation. Often valves are located in pits outside to provide protection from freezing temperatures. Usually, post indicator valves (PIV) are used for below-ground valves, allowing the valve to be placed below the frost line and to provide visual and mechanical valve monitoring.
One potential danger is that the indicating portion of the valve, the post indicator, may be removed. With this gone, the position of the valve cannot be easily determined. I found one situation at a beverage distributor in which the indicating portion of a PIV had been removed and the opening capped and covered with asphalt during a repaving.
NFPA 13E encourages the development of standard operating procedures for responding to fire incidents in sprinkler-protected properties. To accomplish this, the fire department and the property owner need to cooperate.
By following a simple six-point plan, you can develop a response plan that is easily duplicated throughout your department. It should include the following:
1. Procedures for personnel to check on arrival all valves in the sprinkler system to ensure that they are fully open.
2. One of the first responding engine companies should be responsible for connecting supply lines into the FDC/siamese.
3. Post a member at the main control valves for the systems that are flowing water.
4. Don’t shut off the sprinklers too soon.
5. Don’t rob the sprinkler systems of their water supply by connecting hoses to yard hydrants unless you have water flow data that confirm that there is adequate water for the sprinkler and for fire department use.
6. Let the sprinklers do their work.
There have been many instances in which sprinkler systems have been rendered ineffective because of shut or partially closed valves. By assigning personnel to check the valves on arrival, you can confirm that the system is unimpaired. Laying supply lines into the sprinkler system will provide two immediate advantages. First, if the main control valve is shut, you can supply the system with adequate water when the FDC is upstream from the shut control valves. Second, two 21/2-inch supply lines will provide sufficient water supply for 20 to 25 operating sprinkler heads. Providing this supplemental water supply to the system will ensure that the system is receiving adequate water. Typically, these lines should be charged to 150 psi. There are serious consequences if the sprinkler system is shut down too soon. The reason for doing so is often to allow smoke and steam to disperse from the area to increase visibility or to reduce water damage. Do not rush to do this; if the fire is not under control, it will fuse more sprinkler heads in the fire area, thus requiring much more water when the system water supply is restored. Remember, one sprinkler head operating directly over the seat of a fire and producing 20 gpm of flow will be more effective than a hose stream from across the building. Let the system do its job and manage the fire by monitoring the system’s effectiveness and supporting its operation. In most situations, a system designed for the occupancy’s hazard will control and even extinguish the fire. Robbing the system of its water supply typically occurs when yard hydrants on the same supply as that feeding the sprinkler system are used to supply handlines or, worse, pumpers.
In most situations, the original design of the sprinkler system will allow for between 250 and 500 gallons of water for the fire department to use. Using more water than this will reduce the available water supply to the sprinklers to the point where the ability of the sprinkler to operate properly is hindered. If there is a fire (booster) pump to augment the pressure to the fire sprinkler system, post a firefighter at the pump control panel to ensure proper operation. Remember, this pump is to supply additional pressure only; it cannot provide more water than the water system can deliver. It would be wise for emergency personnel responsible for this duty to receive specific training from pump manufacturers so that they are familiar with the pump, valves, controllers, and proper operation.
The most critical concern is ensuring that the sprinkler systems receive an adequate water supply. In developed areas, most are supplied from the public water distribution system. In remote areas, wells or tanks with pressure boosted by pumps may be the primary water source. Elevated tanks have the advantage of providing the necessary pressure from gravity to feed the system, independent of pumps. However, all tanks are limited by the amount of water they can hold. Once that water is gone, you might as well shut off the supply valve.
Some large industrial complexes will provide one or two FDCs that may feed all sprinkler systems. Often, yard hydrants are connected to these systems, which creates additional concerns. This is less common today. To save on installation costs, eliminating the single FDC for a group of buildings reduces the amount of pipe needed. Thus, today you will find a single large building may have eight or 10 or more fire department connections around the property. You can generally assume that one FDC connects to one system. You must know if you are connecting to the system that is operating when you arrive. There are only two ways to ensure this: Know the systems, and properly mark each FDC to indicate which riser is supplied from the connection. The next time you are observing conditions at a large facility, see how quickly you can identify which system protects a particular building area.
It is important to have easily accessible information about the sprinkler-protected properties in your area. The property owner should provide adequate signage for all control valves and fire department connections. Where there are multiple FDCs and risers, you must be able to readily identify which FDC and control valves are for the area of the building burning. Simple signs at the FDC that give the location of the riser supplied and the area of the building protected will immediately tell you if you are connecting to the correct system. When the FDC is located on the outside wall, you can generally assume that the riser is located on the inside of the wall. When the FDC is at the street or away from the building, it may be difficult to know exactly which system is supplied by the FDC. Encourage the property owner to provide “as built” plans for the above and underground piping in an easily accessible location. It is not unusual for these documents to be lost over time. All hydraulically calculated systems are provided with full drawings and calculations that are given to the owner. They will usually end up lost somewhere on the property. It is strongly recommended that the building owner properly file this information to allow quick access.
The next time you are out on company surveys, select a large property protected by a fire sprinkler system. Approach the first sprinkler riser area on the outside of the building. From this vantage point, answer the following:
- What section of the building does this riser (control valve and FDC) serve?
- If I connect to the FDC at this location, will it also supply the other systems on the property?
- Are there any sectional control valves anticipated in the system? Where? How many?
- Is there a single or multiple main water supply to this and other risers?
- Is there a fire “loop” that connects all of the risers for the building to one supply?
- Does this fire protection loop have sectional control valves? How many? What systems would be isolated by the closing of one or two valves?
- Is the underground supply an actual loop, or are there dead-end sections?
- Are the hydrants on the property connected to the same underground as the sprinkler systems?
- How will pumping from these hydrants affect the supply to the sprinkler systems?
- Do I really know as much about the fire sprinkler and hydrant water supply as I think I do? After all, we typically expect things to work the way we assume they do or have done in the past. However, if there is a poor water supply in an area, you can diminish adequate water supply to the sprinkler system by connecting to a hydrant too close to the system riser. Partially shut control valves will greatly reduce the ability to properly supply the fire sprinkler system with adequate water. If the FDC connects to the riser above the control valve, then you will bypass this obstruction and improve water supply to the system.
The first step in finding real solutions is often the most difficult to identify. If you know that information about the sprinkler system is missing, then this can be collected from available resources. However, it is much more difficult to know what information is needed. Start by determining what information you need to know about a particular building. Develop a basic list of information common to all properties. A good source is the NFPA’s Fire Protection Handbook, specifically the “Pre-Incident Planning for Industrial and Commercial Facilities” section. This will help you to understand what type of data you need to evaluate conditions on the property and to develop good incident plans.
Next, create a list of indicators that should prompt a deeper look at the details to discover unusual arrangements or conditions. When do you know when you have all the information you need and can stop the evaluation? This depends on how much information you want to collect before the incident. You may not be concerned with the name of the contractor who installed the system, for example. However, if you encountered a problem during a fire, you might want to contact someone familiar with the system; typically, the building owner knows nothing about it.
See the highlighted information on the type of information you may want to collect while completing your evaluations.
In most situations, large properties do not have signs identifying the control valves, the FDCs, and other components. This is a particular concern where valve pits are used for control valves that can become hidden by leaves, bushes, and other obstructions.
Signs of a well-protected property should increase your confidence during the initial evaluation. When approaching the building, are there visible signs indicating the FDC location? Are these visible when approaching the building, or do you have to know where to look beforehand? Does the FDC indicate which system is supplied and the area of the building protected? If the FDC is not located near the riser control valve, is there information about where the valve is located? If there are multiple systems, there should be a logical numbering system that indicates the total number of systems, say, “System 3 of 6.” Other information that should be provided is the area of the building protected: “System 3 of 6, mall section K, stores 102 through 146,” or “System 3 of 6, northwest building quadrant.”
The total number of systems, which FDC supplies which system, and the building area protected will also help to determine which system should be supplied in which order if multiple systems must be supplied. For example, if the fire is located in the section of the building protected by System 3, but the fire area is located adjacent to the area protected by System 2, should the fire spread into the area protected by System 2, that system would need to be supplied from the FDC. By knowing the systems and the FDC location, you can have the system directly involved supplied first and will know which system should be supplied second. If this sounds complicated, just imagine it is 2 a.m. and you are without knowledge or easily accessible information about the building fire sprinklers. Delays in connecting to the right system and managing the incident could result in unnecessary property damage and may also result in liability for the wrong decision making. Gather the information now, and develop response plans with the building management and your department personnel.
The condition of private hydrants should be highly suspect. The public water department does not maintain them. The only maintenance is contracted or arranged for by the property owner, if at all. Recent incidents have highlighted the necessity for verifying the reliability of these hydrants. A fire at a resort with a convention center resulted in a total loss of the meeting facilities. The first responding engine company connected to the private hydrant closest to the building. Opening the hydrant valve did not provide any water, and it took several minutes to locate and connect to the next closest public hydrant. As a result, the fire advanced rapidly, resulting in a total loss of the building.
A local fire department was checking the hydrants and water supply in an industrial park area and contacted the local water department to conduct hydrant flow tests. The water department told the fire department that the water department’s maps indicated that the hydrants in the industrial park were private. The water department was reluctant to operate these hydrants to obtain water flow data because of potential liability. Hydrant flows at the hydrants just outside the industrial complex were accomplished, but the condition of the private hydrants could not be determined.
The lingering questions remain: Who is responsible for those private hydrants? Are they being maintained? Will their condition be determined only if and when they are needed during a fire? When responding to a fire, it is wise not to assume that the hydrant you are selecting is being maintained.
Your initial evaluation of fire sprinkler systems may cause you to realize just how much you don’t know. Initially, you may feel that you made certain assumptions and depended on others to properly monitor these systems. Although codes require that the owner and sprinkler contractor maintain these systems, your life and reputation are on the line. The good news is that once you have identified what you need to know and have developed your response plans, this will not change significantly from one building to the next. Although the problem may look overwhelming at the onset, your increased confidence in these systems and your capability to use them will be well worth the effort.
You will be very surprised at how much you will learn about the protected properties in your area. You will also probably be amazed at how much you didn’t know before you began this journey. n
Cote, Arthur E., P.E. (Ed). Fire Protection Handbook, (18th ed.), National Fire Protection Association, 1997.
The Handbook of Property Conservation, (third ed.), Factory Mutual System, 1983.
Planer, Robert G. Fire Loss Control: A Management Guide, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1979.
NFPA 13E, Recommended Practice for Fire Department Operations in Properties Protected by Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems. National Fire Protection Association.
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2002 Edition. National Fire Protection Association.
DAVID R. BLOSSOM, ALCM, CFPS, CFI1, is a loss control consultant with a major insurance carrier. He has received the designations of associate in loss control management, certified fire protection specialist, and certified fire inspector 1 from the Insurance Institute of America (IIA). He is past chairman of the Orange County (FL) Fire and Life Safety Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals and former vice-chairman of the City of Orlando (FL) Fire and Building Code Appeals Board.