Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars


Arizona State Fire School, Sept. 28-Oct. 1. Emphasis will be placed on Public Education both in the general session and in the workshop presentations. Twelve workshops will be offered: Industrial Fire Brigades; Advanced Wildfire; Fire Prevention III; Arson Investigation; Recruit Fire Training; Tactics & Procedures I and II; Dynamics of Supervision; Volunteer Fire Service Organization & Management; Effective Training on A limited Budget; Public Education in The Fire Service; Emergency Stabilization & Extrication; and Regional NFPCA Management Overview For The Fire Service Officer. For further information, contact Cy Rengel, Fire Training Supervisor, Industrial Commission of Arizona, Office of the State Fire Marshal, P.O. Box 19070, Phoenix, Arizona 85005.

Arkansas Fire Training Academy—Weekday Classes: Rookie School (cont’d.), Oct. 2-6, Oct. 9-13, and Oct. 16-20; Hose, Oct. 16-20; Rookie School (completion), Oct. 23-27; Arson Seminar, Oct. 23-27; Pump Maintenance, Oct. 30-Nov. 3; Introductory (Basic Firefighting), Nov. 6-10; Fall Conference, Nov. 20-24; Apparatus (Pump Op’s), Nov. 27-Dec. 1; EMT, Nov. 27; Basic Instructor, Dec. 4-8; EMT (cont’d.), Dec. 4; EMT (completion), Dec. 11. Weekend Classes: Hose, Oct. 21-22; Introductory (Basic Firefighting), Nov. 11-12. Regional Fire School: Jonesboro, Sept. 25-Oct. 5; Mountain Home, Oct. 16-26. Pre-registration is required. For further information, contact the Arkansas Fire Training Academy, Southwest Technical Institute, P.O. Box 3048, East Camden, Ark. 71701.

California Fire Chiefs’ Association—Calif. Fire Service Academy Courses: Fire Investigation III, Oct. 2-6; Fire Command III, Oct. 9-13; Fire Prevention V, Oct. 30-Nov. 3; Fire Prevention III, Nov. 6-10; Labor Relations Workshop, Nov. 6-8; Fire Management II, Nov. 27-Dec. 1; Fire Investigation II, Dec. 3-8; Fire Command IV, Dec. 10-15. For further information, contact Chief Robert Fletcher, Sec.-Treas., Florin F. D., P.O. Box 28002, Sacramento, Calif. 95828.

Connecticut State Fire School—Weekend Classes: Breathing Apparatus, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 7, 8: Pumps, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 7, 8; Forcible Entry, Oct. 14-15, 21-22; Basic Rescue, Oct. 14-15, 28-29; Essentials of Fire Fighting, Oct. 21-22,28-29; Essentials of Fire Fighting, Nov. 4-5,11—12; Fire Investigation, Nov. 4-5; Public Education Conference, Nov. 10-12; Essentials of Fire Fighting, Nov. 11-12, 18-19; Fundamentals of Automatic Sprinklers I, Nov. 18; Management Overview, Dec. 2-3; Fire Fighting Tactics I and II, Dec. 2-3 9-10; For Further information, contact William S. Porter, State Fire Administrator. Commission on Fire Prevention and Control, 294 Colony Street, Meriden, Conn. 06450.

Corpus Christi State University: National Spill Control School—A Study in Oil Spill Control Training. The course presents an overview of oil spill control problems and focuses on available equipment and techniques for organization and preparation to clean up oil spills in all environments. Clean up practices used in most areas of the U. S. are detailed, along with suggestions of preferred methods for preparation to clean up spills in different environments. Course materials include classroom lectures, films and visual aids, plus field observations and hands-on experience. Classes will be limited to thirty participants. The next sessions of the Oil Spill Control Training Course will be Oct. 16, Nov. 13 and Dec. 4. For further information, contact the National Spill Control School, Corpus Christi State University, P.O. Box 8263, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412.

The University of Kansas: Fire Service Training Division: The 49th Annual Kansas Fire School for Municipalities, Oct. 16-20; The Industrial Fire Protection School for Industry Personnel, Oct. 23-27. For further information, contact Max M. Thomas, Director, Fire Service Training Division, University of Kansas, 645 New Hampshire, Lawrence, Kansas 66045.

Metropolitan Arson Investigators Association: 1st Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Fire and Explosion Investigation Seminar, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Oct. 2-6. For further information, contact Lt. Nicholas Gonzales, Albuquerque Fire Department, 131 Adams Street, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108.

The University of Michigan/Firemanship Training Program—Advanced course, 40 hr. live-in, Oct. 9-13; Officer course, 40 hr. live-in, Oct. 23-27; Industrial Fire Control Seminar. Nov. 8-9. For further information, contact the University Campus, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109.

National Fire Prevention and Control Administration—National Fire Academy Courses: Fire/Arson Detection, Region IV, Oct. 23-25, Louisville, Ky.; Region V, Nov. 8-10, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Region VII, Nov. 13-15, Lawrence, Kansas; Region IX, Oct. 23-25, Asilomar, Calif.; Educational Methodology I, Region IV, Nov. 6-10, Ocala, Fla.; Pesticide Fire and Spill Control, Region IV, Dec. 5-6, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Labor Management Relations for the Fire Service, Region V, Dec. 4-8, Cincinnati, Ohio; Region VII, Nov. 6-10, Ames, Iowa; Management Overview For Fire Service Officers, Region V, Nov. 1-3, Columbus, Ohio. For further information, contact the National Fire Academy, National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, P.O. Box 19518, Wash., D. C. 20036.

New Jersey Society of Fire Science Instructors: 2nd Annual Instructor’s Seminar, Sat. Oct. 28. It will be held at the Busch Campus of Rutgers University in Piscataway, N. J. The keynote speaker will be Dr. John Demidovich of the Air Force Institute of Technology. He will be speaking on the topic of “Motivation in the Fire Service”. For further information, contact Harry R. Carter, Box 171 Main Street, Adelphia, N. J. 07710.

New Jersey State Fire College—Advanced Pump Course, Oct. 6-8, Oct. 13-15 and Oct. 20-22; Advanced Truck Course, Oct. 6-8 and Oct. 13-15; Industrial Fire Protection, Oct. 20-22; Water Shuttle Course, Oct. 20-22. For further information, contact Frank G. Cuomo, Pres., New Jersey State Fire College, 50 Park Place, Newark, N. J. 07102.

New York State Academy of Fire Science: Public School Inspection Workshop, Oct. 13-15; Fire Marshal’s and Inspector’s Seminar, Oct. 18-20; Fire Pump Maintenance Course, Oct. 24-26; Regional Fire Administrators’ Conference, Nov. 4-5; Introduction to Arson Investigation Course, Nov. 13-17; Department of Mental Hygiene, Nov. 27-Dec. 1; Training Officer Workshop II, Dec. 2-3; Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Course, Dec. 6-7; Training Officer Workshop I, Dec. 9-10. For further information, contact Donald B. Dymes, Supervisor of Academy Programs, New York State Academy of Fire Science, Box K, Montour Falls, N. Y. 14865.

Northern Illinois Arson Seminar—Third Annual Event, Wagon Wheel Lodge, Rockton, Ill., Oct. 27-29. Program geared to the novice as well as the seasoned investigator. For further information, contact Terry Pitkus, 12605 Ventura Blvd., Rockford, Ill. 61111.

Oregon Fire Marshal’s Association—Fire Prevention Seminar: Oct. 25-27, at the Holiday Inn, Wilsonville, Oregon. Qualified speakers will talk on fire prevention inspection, psychology of people relative to fire inspections, building construction for fire protection including water supplies and systems, building/fire codes and ordinances governing fire protection and fire insurance fundamentals as they affect the fire inspector’s job. For pre-registration or more information, contact Dean Dow, Clackamas County Dist. 1, 10639 S.E. Fuller Rd., Milwaukie, Ore. 97222.

Pennsylvania State Firemen’s Training School—Structural Fire Fighting I, Oct. 2-6; Hose Practices, Oct. 11-13; Arson & Fire Cause Investigation, Oct. 11-13; Structural Fire Fighting II, Oct. 16-20; Pump Operation I, Oct. 23-27; Airport Crash Fire & Rescue, Oct. 28-29; Pump Operation II, Oct. 31-Nov. 2; Ladder Practices, Nov. 8-9; Structural Fire Fighting I, Nov. 13-17; Salvage Practices, Nov. 21 22. For further information, contact the Pennsylvania State Firemen’s Training School, P.O. Box 631, Lewiston, Pa. 17044.

The Pennsylvania State University/Fire Service Programs: Emergency Vehicle Driver Training, Mont Alto Campus, Oct. 14-15; Fire Code, Beaver Campus, Oct. 14-15, Behrend College, Nov. 11-12; Fire Department Officership, Williamsport, Oct. 14-15, New Kensington Campus, Oct. 21-22; Fire Safety, Hazleton Campus, Nov. 4; Mall Fires, Beaver Campus, Nov. 11-12; Master Planning, Mont Alto (Gettysburg), Nov. 18-19; Preplanning, Hazleton Campus, Oct. 7-8, Williamsport (Wellsboro), Oct. 28-29; Rural Fire Fighting, Scranton Campus, Oct. 14 15; Techniques of Fire Investigation, Williamsport (Towanda), Sept. 23-24, Scranton Campus, Nov. 18-19. For further information, contact Charles Meek, Penn State University, 209 Keller Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802.

Scuba Schools International—Dive Rescue Specialist Training Schools: The course covers water accident investigation, dive rescue equipment, dive team organization, treatment of water accident victims, and many specialty problem areas. Fort Collins, Colo., Oct. 16-20; Lake Tahoe, Calif., Oct. 23-27; Medford, Ore., Nov. 6—10; San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 13-17. For further information, contact Scuba Schools international, 1449 Riverside Drive, Ft. Collins, Colo. 80524.

SRI International—4th Annual Fire Protection Technology Seminar, Oct. 27. A look at fire research and its practical utilization. To be held at SRI in Menlo Park, Calif. For further information, contact Stanley B. Martin, SRI, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025.

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Fort Worth firefighters battled a fire at a large house in the affluent Crestline neighborhood, near the River Crest Country Club, early Wednesday.
Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.