FMRC: ESFR sprinklers can protect some flammable liquid storage

FMRC: ESFR sprinklers can protect some flammable liquid storage

Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) tests show that early suppression-fast response (ESFR) sprinklers can protect motor oil and vegetable oil in small plastic containers and flammable liquids in small metal containers in the following limited arrangements.

Motor oil in small plastic containers: in five-gallon or smaller plastic containers; cartoned palletized or solid-pile storage in buildings up to 40 feet high.

Vegetable oil in small plastic containers: in five-gallon or smaller plastic containers; cartoned rack storage in buildings up to 30 feet high; cartoned and uncartoned palletized or solid-pile storage in buildings up to 40 feet high.

Flammable liquids in small metal containers: in five-gallon or smaller relieving-style metal containers; cartoned or uncartoned rack storage in buildings up to 30 feet high; cartoned or uncartoned palletized storage in buildings up to 30 feet high. The rack storage arrangement is protected by the combination of an ESFR ceiling sprinkler system and quick-response, large orifice in-rack sprinklers located in the longitudinal flue space of the rack.

Detailed protection criteria are contained in Factory Mutual Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-29, “Flammable Liquids.” ESFR protection should be provided in accordance with FM Data Sheet 2-2, “Installation Guidelines for Early Suppression-Fast Response Sprinklers.” FM Data Sheet 7-29 does not yet contain information on ESFR protection for flammable liquids in small metal containers; it will be included in the next revision.

For additional information on FM data sheets, consult FM`s Web site at

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