Free report on municipal water supply systems available online

The United States Fire Administration, (USFA), has completed a project with the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Educational & Scientific Foundation to study and evaluate the latest trends and technologies related to municipal water supply systems to enhance effective fire protection. This study was conducted with support of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate,

“This initiative will be of value to local-level fire protection, supporting USFA’s goal to reduce the loss of life and property from fire,” said U.S. Fire Administrator Greg Cade. “This cooperative effort allows communities to have comprehensive information on the latest technologies in municipal water supply systems in support of fire suppression activities and concerns.”

The team examined issues of interoperability and Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), as well as backup and redundant water supply systems for fire protection, and from their analysis created the two reports Volume I –- Water Supply Systems Concepts and Volume 2 — Water Supply System Evaluation Methods.

“This study examined issues of interoperability and Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), as well as examining backup and redundant water supply systems for fire protection. This study reflects SFPE’s commitment to advancing the science and technology that protects people from fire,” said Chris Jelenewicz, SFPE Engineering Program Manager. “SFPE was pleased to work with USFA in advancing the understanding of critical water supply systems and their importance in fire protection”.

Both reports are available for download, free of charge, from the USFA Web site.

Volume I – Water Supply Systems Concepts (PDF, 2.6 MB) discusses water system anatomy, water distribution system design concepts, water quality, consumer consumption and needed fire flow, alternative water supply systems, fire department water supply officer, water supply and effective fire protection, and emergency water supplies.

Volume 2 – Water Supply System Evaluation Methods (PDF, 4.8 MB) covers the evaluation of municipal water supply systems, water system hydraulics, storage capacity, water supply system computer modeling, and establishing a community program to document effective water supplies for fire protection.

Further information about this partnership effort, may be found on the USFA Web site at:

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