From the Publishers Desk
NFPCA Conference Features Life Safety
Life Safety is the theme of the Fourth Annual Conference of the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration which will be held in Seattle, Wash., October 23-25. The conference, hosted by Chief Frank Hanson of the Seattle Fire Department is scheduled for the Olympic Hotel.
As you are probably aware, Fire Engineering has covered the NFPCA in depth since its inception. And this conference is no exception. Dick Sylvia will not only be there but will be a panel speaker, and report on the conference to our readers when he returns.
At the conference, all phases of fire protection relating to life safety will be traced through six separate sessions. Beginning with “Setting the Stage—the Life Safety Problem,” the subjects will range from “Human Behavior in Life Safety” to “Protecting the Fire Fighter.” According to Howard Tipton of the NFPCA, “Life Safety” was chosen as the conference theme following the issuance last year of the first national estimates of the U. S. fire problem by the Fire Administration’s National Fire Data Center.
“These estimates,” Tipton said, “gave a more detailed and a more accurate picture of the U. S. fire problem. The heavy concentrations of deaths found in fires in homes emphasized that we must focus our priorities on life safety in fire protection.”
Adding a new feature to the conference this year, the NFPCA will sponsor an afternoon of technical demonstrations following the close of the conference. The demonstrations will be of a noncommercial type, featuring products or prototypes developed from the administration’s grants or studies.
We feel that participation in this conference should be well worth the time and expense of any chief in this country. How to make reservations can be found in the “Coming Events” section of this issue.