Dr. John R. Hall Receives Award of Merit from ASTM International Committee on Fire Standards

John R. Hall, Ph.D., division director of fire analysis and research at the National Fire Protection Association in Quincy, Mass., has received the ASTM International Award of Merit and accompanying title of fellow for his valuable contributions to ASTM Committee E05 on Fire Standards in the area of terminology and instructive editorial guidance in the development of several E05 standards. The Award of Merit is the highest organizational recognition for individual contributions to ASTM standards activities.

Hall has been a member of ASTM International and Committee E05 since 1987. He is the fifth vice chairman of E05, serves as secretary of Subcommittee E05.33 on Fire Safety Engineering, and chairs E05.31 on Terminology and Services/Functions as well as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO TC 92 on Fire Safety (E05.40). He is also chair of the E05 Symposium on Uncertainty in Fire Standards that is scheduled for 2011. The committee has honored him in the past with two Awards of Appreciation (1995 and 2005) and the Wayne P. Ellis Award in 2004.  In addition to E05, Hall also works on Committees E06 on Performance of Buildings and E60 on Sustainability.  
Hall held research analyst positions at the Urban Institute, the U.S. Fire Administration and the Center for Fire Research at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) before joining NFPA in 1984. His division at NFPA is responsible for the measurement of the national fire problem and the communication of the results as a statistical basis for fire protection strategies.
Outside ASTM International, Hall is a member of the Society for Risk Analysis, the International Association of Fire Safety Science, and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. He holds a B.A. in mathematics from Brown University and a Ph.D. in operations research from the University of Pennsylvania.   
ASTM International is one of the largest international standards development and delivery systems in the world. ASTM International meets the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles for the development of international standards: coherence, consensus, development dimension, effectiveness, impartiality, openness, relevance and transparency.  ASTM standards are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems and commercial transactions.

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