In today’s hangout, hosts Dena Ali and Dan DeGryse will talk to their guests about the various treatment approaches to intervene and address the results of cumulative stress within the fire service and the potential mental health struggles that includes addiction. They wiill discuss complete and proper assessments, levels of care, intervention strategies, and evidence-based treatment approaches to include peer support.
Captain Dena Ali, Raleigh (NC) Fire Department
Daniel DeGryse, Chicago (IL) Battalion Chief, Director-Rosecrance Florian Program
Father James Swarthout, Director, Clergy & Alumni Services
Erica Gilmore, Unit Coordinator, Rosecrance Florian Program
Jada Miller, Experiential Therapist, Rosecrance
Bobby Halton, Fire Engineering Editor in Chief
Opening Ceremony Keynoter Dan DeGryse Offers Straight Talk
Taking Care of Those Who Take Care of Others
Pain: How Do You Cope? What You Should Know About Opioids
A Culture of Acceptance: Up Close with the Rosecrance Florian Program
Don’t Have Any Regrets: The Rosecrance Florian Program
Stress, Cortisol Can Complicate Firefighting