This month Hot Topic initiates a survey program that elicits input from fire prevention personnel across the country. Its purposes are to let you know what others are thinking and to provide a data base for various organizations.

You can participate in the survey by recording your answers to six questions pertaining to this month’s topic: the “new” NFPA fire prevention code.

The “new” code actually is a rewrite of existing 33-page NFPA Code #1, the “Fire Prevention Code,” which apparently has been adopted by very few jurisdictions. Several hundred pages long, the revised version attempts to cover many of the fire hazards detailed in the three “model” National, Uniform, and Standard fire codes.

Since the proposed NFPA Code # 1 will be very similar to the model codes currently used in most of the United States, we would like to know your reaction to the new document.


The questions below are followed by numbers that will signify your “yes” or “no” answers. The numbers correspond to the same numbers on the Reader Service Card on page 19. To respond, circle on the card the number that reflects your desired answer. For example, if you wish to answer “yes” to Question 1, circle number 1 on the Reader Service Card. Circle number 2 if you vote “no” on that question. You need not answer all six questions.

  1. If the NFPA promulgates the “new” code #1, will you adopt it by ordinance? Yes 1 No 2
  2. If you do adopt NFPA #1, will you discontinue the use of one of the three model fire prevention codes? Yes 3 No 4
  3. If you do not adopt NFPA #1, will you use NFPA as a reference? Yes 5 No 6
  4. If you do adopt NFPA #1, will you attempt to “mesh” one of the three model building codes with it? Yes 7 No 8
  5. If the NFPA promulgates code #1, should it next develop a model building code? Yes 9 No 10
  6. If it were in your control, would you prefer to see all three model fire and building codes combined into one? Yes 11 No 12

Thank you for your responses. We’ll collate the results and report back in a few months.

Large House in Fort Worth (TX) Partially Collapses During Fire

Fort Worth firefighters battled a fire at a large house in the affluent Crestline neighborhood, near the River Crest Country Club, early Wednesday.
Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.