How to Control Sprinkler Flow in Mid- and High-Rise Buildings

Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Lieutenant Nassoma Morgan and Captain Bill Gustin offer sprinkler flow training.

High-Rise Building and Large Complex Systems: Heating Appliances

Construction Concerns: Sprinkler Water Supply


Pump Operations for High-Rise Building Fire Protection Systems


Video: Packaging and Removal of Down Firefighter

Video: Rapid Intervention Crew Positions

Firefighter Training Video: RIC Bag Connections

Video: Live Burn Training with Miami-Dade Fire Recruits

Steve Shaw and DJ Stone

Perspectives on Leadership: Navigating Leadership, Standards, and Innovation in the Fire Service

Steve Shaw speaks with guest DJ Stone about the transformative power of mentorship, the importance of community relationships, and the evolving standards within the fire…
LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.