IAFC, Public Safety Groups Call On Congress To Support Consensus Plan

Fairfax, VA – Following the FCC’s July 8 ruling on the 800 MHz issue, which adopted a plan to resolve the ongoing problem of radio interference to public safety radio systems operating in the 800 MHz band, the IAFC and several other leading public safety organizations sent a letter to members of Congress, urging them to join with public safety in supporting the FCC’s decision. The full text of the letter is below.

Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International
International Association of Chiefs of Police
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Major Cities Chiefs Association
Major County Sheriffs’ Association
National Sheriffs’ Association

July 21, 2004

Dear Senator/Representative:

Public Safety radio interference in the 800 MHz band has been a long-standing problem for police, fire, and EMS officials across the country. Caused by the close proximity of public safety frequencies to those of major commercial wireless operators – such as Alltel, AT&T Wireless, Cingular, Nextel, and Verizon Wireless – this interference endangers the lives of our nation’s first responders. The FCC’s 800 MHz ruling will modify existing spectrum licenses so that public safety can meet its mission critical needs interference-free and away from commercial wireless systems. Public safety also gains a significant amount of additional spectrum that will help facilitate interoperable communications among first responders. But perhaps most importantly, the implementation process will be completely privately funded – public safety agencies, government, and taxpayers will not have to contribute one cent.

Under the Communications Act, Congress specifically and explicitly charged the FCC with the goal of protecting safety of life and property. The FCC’s 800 MHz decision upholds that primary duty by placing the needs of public safety first. Although the details of the decision have yet to be released, the FCC has asked Nextel Communications to go beyond its original pledge of spectrum and financial contributions. We reiterate our commitment to work with the FCC, Nextel and others to see that public safety radio interference is a problem of the past.

We ask you to join with public safety in supporting the FCC decision. Some in Congress have proposed eliminating the flexibility the FCC needs to manage spectrum in the public interest by requiring the auctioning of spectrum and establishing a “trust fund” for public safety. Others have asked the General Accounting Office to review the FCC’s authority to mandate the spectrum license modifications as outlined in the FCC decision. These attempts would derail the FCC ordered solution to the interference problem and are counter to the interests of the men and women who serve America as first responders. These initiatives do nothing to solve the dangerous problem of interference and do not address public safety’s needs. Proposed legislation, such as that supported by Congressman Nussle, will only add delay, red tape, and needless costs when we should be concentrating on supporting our nation’s emergency communications.

Time is not on our side. Every day without a solution is another where lives are at stake. We ask your support for the FCC’s mandate so we can move forward expeditiously in order to make reliable communications a reality for every police officer, firefighter and EMS official. It is simply too important to do anything less.

We thank you in advance for your support.


Vincent R. Stile, President
Association of Public-Safety
Communications Officials-International
351 N. Williamson Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Chief Joseph M. Polisar, President
International Association of Chiefs of Police
515 N. Washington St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

Sheriff Aaron D. Kennard, President
National Sheriffs’ Association
1450 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Chief Ernest Mitchell, President
International Association of Fire Chiefs
4025 Fair Ridge Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033

Chief Harold L. Hurtt, President
Major Cities Chiefs Association
c/o Houston Police Department
1200 Travis
Houston, TX 77002

Sheriff Margo Frasier, President
Major County Sheriffs’ Association
c/o Travis County Office of the Sheriff
501 West 11th Street
Austin, TX 78767

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