By Jack Murphy
For the upcoming ICC final code action hearings in Kansas City (10/19-10/25 2016), let your voice count by validating fire department members to vote on ‘Taming Our Fire Environment’ the fireground for a safer operation for both firefighters and the public at large.
The following information is provided by ICC:
In a recent review of fire agencies that are ICC Voting Governmental Members, many jurisdictions are shown as either:
- NOT ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE in final action voting on ICC code change proposals because you have not completed the required annual re-validation process for your voting designees, or
- NOT USING ALL OF YOUR VOTES because voters are not assigned to each of available slot.
Jurisdictions that fail to validate voters between January 1, 2016 and Sept. 19, 2016 will not be allowed to vote on final actions for this year’s code changes. Note that voters DO NOT have to attend the final hearing. Votes will be cast online during a two-week period in November 2016.
This link takes you to ICC’s validation page.
Only the jurisdiction’s “primary member” on file with ICC can complete the validation process. If you are a voting member but not the primary member, and need to know who the primary member is. Log in at and after logging in, use and select the “organization directory” to search for your jurisdiction’s listing and the primary member’s name.
For additional assistance, you can contact ICC’s Membership Services Department by emailing or calling 888-422-7233, ext. 33804.
Jurisdictions are allocated the following numbers of votes based on population served. If you haven’t assigned an individual to each voting slot, you’re not being fully represented.
Population Served |
Number of Votes |
50,000 or less |
4 |
50,001-150,000 |
8 |
More than 150,000 |
12 |
Be safe out there.
Firefighters Code Voice: Local Fire, Tarnished State Image, Voluntary FPS Upgrades
Jack J. Murphy, MA, is a fire marshal (ret.)/fmr. deputy chief and has served as a deputy fire coordinator for the N.J. Div. of Fire Safety (Bergen Region). He is the Chairman of the New York City High-Rise Fire Safety Directors Assoc., a member of the NFPA High-Rise Building Safety Advisory and 1620-Pre-Incident Planning Committees. He has published various fire service articles and authored: RICS; Rapid Incident Command System Field Handbooks; the “Pre-Incident Planning” Chapter-29 of the Fire Engineering’s Handbook for Firefighter I & II; and co-authored, “Bridging the Gap: Fire Safety and Green Buildings.” Jack is a PennWell Fire Group Executive Board member, a Fire Engineering contributing editor, co-hosts Taming the Fire Environment on the Fire Engineering website and he has received the 2012 Fire Engineering Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award.